Assemberist / cppRpg

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Implement spell shopping when is not in battle. #16

Open Assemberist opened 2 years ago

Assemberist commented 2 years ago

Levels of spells and experience are implemented, but user cant use it. User interface should be updated. It is second part of #13.

Tasks: 1) Crete spell shop 2) Add info (to see level, exp, etc). Perhaps it will e separate activity.

Assemberist commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure if non-battle mode is needed. And limitation can be done for spell learning: if lvl of spell(sp_lv) < than lvl of character(ch_lv) then char should do (sp_lv-ch_lv)^2 attempts to completely learn it.

Assemberist commented 7 months ago

I guess it is not very interest mechanic. It should not be implemented as some shop.

Spells can be learned when: 1) Gamer looks for enemy's technics and try to repeat it. 2) Read from spell-book. 3) Eventually open it if he is enough experienced. 4) Ask someone to teach him.

Ways to improve skills is use this skill. Reading of skill-books allows only shorten the time (since skills can't be learned or improved without practice).

Assemberist commented 7 months ago

That thing requires implementation of many other game elements so the issue will be postponed.

Assemberist commented 7 months ago

Spell help also can be shown by default. It is not needed turn on/off it every time.