Assemberist / cppRpg

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Description: CppRpg is just small turn-based rpg for console (or it should be). Battle mode development is first thing that was released but it also in progress yet.

Build: To build the programm you shoud use make:

make If you wish to get debug-version of the program or make build To compile project with -O2 option and without debugs.

For additional customisation use wizard.

How to use: Build program and start "test" file.

After program start game map is displayed. Here blinking 'm' is mage, your character.
Also there is 3 'G' golems that will be attack you. They are can feel you everywhere
but they are too stupid to avoid walls or other obstacles.

You can move you character to other cell, or use any spell.
Every new turn is started in moving mode.

How to move: To move your character you can type one buttons from belove:

q w e
a   d
z x c

All other buttons except space and 'f' will ends your turn.

Note! Attemption of moving ends your turn as successful moving. Be carefull and
don't hit yourself to walls: enemyes will not waiting for you get serious.

What to do next: There is help field that shows allowed actions at right part of screen.

End of game: Game have one end - death of your character. Press space button if you want to exit from the game.