Assured-Micropatching / CM2350-Emulator

CM2350 Emulator
2 stars 2 forks source link


  1. Python3
  2. virtualenv is installed

Using the Emulator

To use the emulator you can install with the virtualenv makefile target

make virtualenv

Or by manually creating a virtualenv and installing the python dependencies:

git clone emulator
cd emulator
virtualenv --python=python3 ENV
. ENV/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting up your environment for emulator development

With virtual environments

Assuming you want to use installed packages in the python-recommended way, you will be using virtualenvs.

  1. Clone the vivisect and cm2350 emulator git repos:

    git clone -b envi_ppc vivisect
    git clone emulator
  2. Create a virtual environment and install the vivisect package and emulator dependencies in developer mode. This will help ensure that changes made in to the emulator in the vivisect/ directory are used immediately by other packages that import the vivisect python module.

    virtualenv --python=python3 ENV
    . ENV/bin/activate
    cd vivisect
    python develop
    cd ../emulator
    pip install ipython
  3. After the vivisect package and emulator prerequisites have been installed, and you have activated the virtual environment you can start the emulator with the script:

    . ENV/bin/activate
  4. The virtualenv can be deactivated with the deactivate shell command that is defined when the virtualenv is activated:


If you prefer to not have to activate and deactivate the virtualenv all the time you can create an alias:

alias ampemu="bash -c 'source path/to/ENV/bin/activate && python path/to/emulator/'"

Or you can use an alternate python virtual environment management tool such as pyenv-virtualenv for use with pyenv which allows you to define a specific python version or python virtualenv install to use for specific directories.

Without virtual environments

You like to live dangerously, or can't be bothered (trust me I understand).

  1. Clone the vivisect and cm2350 emulator git repos:

    git clone -b envi_ppc vivisect
    git clone emulator
  2. Install the vivisect package and emulator dependencies in developer mode. This will help ensure that changes made in to the emulator in the vivisect/ directory are used immediately by other packages that import the vivisect python module.

    cd vivisect
    python3 develop --user
    cd ../emulator
    pip install ipython

When installing python packages with python3 develop --user a $HOME/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/vivisect.egg-link file is created with path to directories that contain python packages that should be in the PYTHON_PATH:

$ cat ~/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/vivisect.egg-link

You can remove the link to the "installed" emulator-specific vivisect directory by editing that file to removing /home/user/path/to/vivisect.

Using virtualenvs with pyenv

Install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv. Those github pages have the install instructions, but the generic "clone through git" instructions are described here for Ubuntu:

  1. Install the pyenv dependencies
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install git make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev \
    libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm \
    libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev libffi-dev liblzma-dev
  2. Install pyenv:
    git clone ~/.pyenv
    cat <<'EOF' >> ~/.bashrc
    export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
    export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"
    eval "$(pyenv init -)"
  3. Open a new shell and install pyenv-virtualenv:
    git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
    echo 'eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
  4. Set your default python version. On Linux it's usually fine to just use the system default:
    pyenv global system
  5. If you need a specific python version you can install it with pyenv. In this step python version 3.9.10 is being installed, this isn't necessary it's just the version being used in this example.
    pyenv install 3.9.10
    pyenv global 3.9.10
  6. On Linux there is a bug in the latest version of setuptools that results in a python-build error. If pyenv install fails you may need to explicitly install the latest setuptools from git until the version on is fixed:
    pip install --user git+
  7. Create a new virtualenv specific for CM2350 emulator and vivisect, and make it the default version to use for the TA3 emulator working directory:
    pyenv virtualenv 3.9.10 amp_ta3_emulator
    cd path/to
    pyenv local amp_ta3_emulator
  8. Clone the emulator and vivisect repos and install the required packages:
    git clone -b envi_ppc
    git clone path/to/emulator
    cd path/to/vivisect
    python3 develop
    pip install ipython

    Now the amp_ta3_emulator virtualenv will be automatically activated whenever you are in the path/to directory or a subdirectory.

Connecting to the emulator with a GDB client

Instead of using the script that launches an interactive mode, you can just run the emulator and have it wait for a remote GDB client to attach similar to starting up qemu with the -g flag. The script launches a non-interactive emulator

$ ./ -g
Waiting for GDB client to connect on port 47001

By default the emulator listens on port 47001 if the -g flag is provided, optionally a different port can be specified after the -g flag.

After the emulator is started and listening you can connect with gdb-multiarch or a PowerPC-aware build of gdb with the following command:

$ gdb-multiarch -ex "target remote localhost:47001" -ex "set endian big"

gdb-multiarch must be told that the target is in big-endian mode, it is unable to detect this automatically.