AstraaDev / Discord-SelfBot

This SelfBot has a total of about 60 commands to make your life on discord easier. It has a nice and intuitive interface to make it easy to use for everyone, help and explanations for each command, a very complete help command.
MIT License
73 stars 40 forks source link
bot discord discord-py discord-tool gui python selfbot token tool

[Discord] - SelfBot (V1.0.0)


[Discord] - SelfBot is a Script Gathering for Windows systems written in Python.

This SelfBot has a total of about 60 commands to make your life on discord easier. It has a nice and intuitive interface to make it easy to use for everyone, help and explanations for each command, a very complete help command.

## Disclaimer |SelfBot was made for Educational purposes| |-------------------------------------------------| This project was created only for good purposes and personal use. By using this SelfBot, you agree that you hold responsibility and accountability of any consequences caused by your actions. ## Features
General Commands ```python - help : blablabla - prefix - slotbot - giveaway - msgsniper - antinuke - mee6 - whitelist - unwhitelist - clearwhitelist - adminservers - bots - ping - uptime - shutdown ```
Useful Commands ```js - astraa - clear - sendall - copycat - stopcopycat - genname - geoip - pingweb - read - gentoken - av - whois - quickdelete - ghost - setpfp - hexcolor # - tts - firstmsg - abc - 100 - hastbin - ascii - cyclenick - stopcyclenick - stream - playing - listening - watching - stopactivity - rolecolor ```
ATIO Commands ```js - destroy - filegrabber - tokenfuck - tokeninfo - autolog - cleardm - hypesquad - serverinfo - nitro - webhookremove ```
Exploit Commands ```js - hide - edit - bypassblock ```
Fun Commands ```js - gif - image - 9/11 - cum - tweet - magik - fry - blurpify - phcomment - hack - minesweeper - 1337speak - wyr - poll - topic - dick - reverse ```
Server Commands ```js - copyguild - massmention - massban - massunban - dynoban - masskick - massrole - delrole - delchannels - spam - wizz - guildicon - banner - renamechannels - servername - nickall - massreact - purge ```
Friend Commands ```js - acceptfriends - ignorefriends - delfriends ```
Groupe Commands ```js - kickgc - leavegroups - gcleave ```
Meme Commands ```js - dog - cat - sadcat - bird - fox - feed - tickle - slap - hug - cuddle - smug - pat - kiss ```
Meme Commands ```js - shrug - lenny - fliptable - unflip - bold - censor - underline - italicize - strike - quote - code - empty ```
## How To Setup/Install #### First of all please set a prefix in the config.json file! ```json { "token": "TOKEN-HERE", "password": "PASSWORD-HERE", #Useful for some options "prefix": "PREFIX-HERE", "nitro_sniper": true, #Can take the value: true or false "giveaway_sniper": true, #Can take the value: true or false "stream_url": "", #Useful for the statue "tts_language": "en" #Set the language of the tts messages } ``` #### 1st・Installation (Automated installation) ``` Launch the setup.bat file. A new file will be created. You will only have to launch it. ``` #### 2nd・Installation (Manual installation) ``` $ git clone $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt $ python ``` ## Additional Informations General Informations: - If you have a problem, [CLICK HERE]( to watch the YouTube video. - If you find any malfunction, contact me on Discord: Astraa#6100 or join my [Discord Server]( ## Example ![help_command.png]( ## Credits Refurbishment, improvement, and restructuring of the [@humza1400]( SelfBot (dated 2019).