Asynchronousx / LostQueue

A LostArk Queue status overlay that displays information about your queue while tabbed out of the game
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A simple overlay for LostArk that shows information about your queue status and time left while tabbed out of the game.


Since we currently do not have any APIs from the game itself, the pipeline implemented is pretty much this: Extracting and processing a frame through win32 libraries, then manipulating the output with opencv to feed the resulting image into Tesseract (OCR) that will perform an Image-To-Text conversion and return our actual queue time. All of that is implemented into a GUI made from scratch with PyQt5.


The usage is pretty straightforward and could be done in two ways:

From Release

Download the .exe file from the release section (here) and follow this steps:

From Scratch

Also, the process is pretty simple too:

NOTE: Be sure to have installed Tesseract in your env and modify the pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract' in into your actual path to Tesseract


To run those file from scratch you'll need:

Known Problems