AtelierdeParis / studio-d

StudioD · Plateforme solidaire de mise à disposition de studios de danse.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
4 stars 2 forks source link
booking-platform chakra-ui dance nextjs reactjs reservation-system strapi

StudioD Logo


Bienvenue sur le dépôt du code de cette plateforme solidaire de mise à disposition de studios de danse initiée par le CDCN Ateliers de Paris.

Parmi les fonctionnalités principales :

How to make it run?

The project is divided in two parts:


# Start infrastructure (database, local email service)
docker-compose up

# Install all dependencies
yarn install


Start the project

# Development
yarn client:dev

# Production
yarn client:build
yarn client:start

Default url: http://localhost:1337


Start the project

# Development
yarn server:dev

# Production
yarn server:build
yarn server:start

Default url: http://localhost:3000


Email templates are located in folder back/email-templates.sql, you must execute those queries into a sql database client, then you will be able to find them in strapi, left menu go to Plugins > Email Designer

If you create new email templates from strapi keep in mind that you have to export them from your sql client as INSERT queries and update back/email-templates.sql


Staging deployment is launched when new code is either pushed or merged on develop branch Production deployment is launched when new code is either pushed or merged on master branch

Environment vars

Rename files .env.dist into .env and fill empty values

Swagger documentation

Swagger types are automatically generated by strapi and are used to generated typescript interfaces web/typings/api.ts.
They can be overrided for each entity under back/api/ENTITY/documentation/VERSION/overrides/ENTITY.json, then you must regenerate the documentation from strapi, Plugins > Documentation > Recreate, then execute command yarn get-types