Athena9355 / Team-123-final-version

MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Week 0

{% include navigation.html %}

link to review ticket


  1. dessert
  2. game
  3. study website
  4. reading / book-related website
  5. travel website
  6. music-related (build playlists etc.)

Project Description

Objection: Our project is a great resource for people who love reading. They can come to our website to get book recommendations, learn about different genres of books around the world, and even input books they like. This has a real world help because it can be used in schools and libraries, even regarding Del Norte.

Sponsor: We will be using Del Norte English teach ----- as our sponsor. We chose this person because she is a good example of the perfect client that we would want to use our project. It is meant for the usage of English classes and we would love to get input from her on what to improve and place on our website.

Project Plans/Ideas/Wires

Project Plans: The goal of our website is to assist people in reading and enjoying reading. As a result, we plan in integrating a few technicals into our project to achieve our goals. We plan on including the following:

  1. book suggestion generator: the generator will either generate a suggestion randomly or allow the user to use a filter function to find a suggestion
  2. comment forum and rating system: we want to allow the users to leave comments and ratings on the books they read.
  3. music suggestion: we will suggest songs that go with the book if the user enters information on the book (i.e. title, genre, author etc.)
  4. games: we will include a few simple games to allow the user to take a break from reading and relax
  5. calendar system: the calendar system will help the user create a reading plan. The user can enter the date by which they would like to finish a book, the system will create a calendar that displays the chapters that the user need to finish in order to meet the goal.
  6. Create personality test --> give book suggestions based on the result of the test.

Project Wires

notes/feedback from crossover team: from our discussion, the cross over team suggested that we can have a code for specific classes discussion board: give sub divisions. have subdivisions for each separate questions. have ways to organize pop quizzes: crowd sourcing for that. engage students to have them come up with questions for each chapter. have the students turn in their questions to mr west maybe allow the music to play it on the website (can embed spotify on the website)

Time Box

Week Goal
0 Plan PBL. Create a wire frame and brainstorm technicals to include in the project.
1 Create layout and template for the project. Create navbar and common theme on the website. Create issues on each of the ideas brain stormed and assign them to each member. Start working on the issues assigned. Be ready to deploy at the end of the week.
2 Continue and finish working on the issues assigned in week 1. Start brainstorming new technicals to be included and assigned next week. Deploy at the end of the week.
3 Assign new technicals to be completed this week and next week.
4 Complete all the technicals assigned so far.
Spring Break None. Catch up if behind.
5 Catch up on the work not yet done from week 1 through 4. Make sure that all the issues before are completed and working. Members will test out each function and make sure that there are no bugs etc. Start brainstorming new technicals to include. Be prepared for AP exam.
6 Prepare for AP exam. Work on individual create task. Work with team to solve problems encountered. If time permits, work on the issues listed in week 5.
7 Prepare for AP exam. Work on individual create task. Work with team to solve problems encountered. If time permits, work on the issues listed in week 5.
8 Prepare for AP exam. Work on individual create task. Work with team to solve problems encountered. If time permits, work on the issues listed in week 5.
9 Content Cell
10 Meetings and make final changes to the website (customize website functions, improve layout of the page, etc.)
11 Final PBL due. Final test on technicals and make sure that they work as intended.

Team Roles

Hassan - Deployment: Will be responsible of deploying the website when new features are added to the website.

Sonakshi - Github Admin: Make sure that the GitHub pages are organized. Make updates to issues and organize scrum board and wiki pages.

Athena - Scrum Master: Responsible for making sure that everyone plays their role. Create review tickets every week with check boxes / tasks for members to keep track of their work. Make tangibles on review ticket. Organize Scrum Board and move past issues and cards to their appropriate column.

Kamya - Technical Officer: Be responsible of technical development. Assist members who are struggling with technicals and coding.

Natalie - Design: Create templates and navbar (and update navbar as needed) for the project. Design logo, background for website, etc. for the PBL project.