Athenua / Netlimiter-AC-Bypass

Allows NetLimiter to be used on games with an AntiCheat, even if blocked & abuses NetLimiter trial to have it free forever. (Includes BE, EAC. Tested on Destiny 2, OW2, Fortnite, DayZ)
4 stars 0 forks source link
anticheat-bypass battleye dayz easyanticheat lagswitch

Netlimiter ( DLL with some renamed strings to allow u to use it on Battleye/EAC Games

How to use :3

You can just replace the DLL and rename the default execuable if you'd like, but to be safe for dumb changes just use mine, it has some extra string changes, to hopefully stop detections it's not just renamed _(ツ)_/

Everything done is very simple, it's nothing crazy

You can open it ingame, or whenever you want btw

enjoy cuties <3