Atlanca / Master-Thesis---OD3

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# System Explanation Composer (SEC)

by Alex Tao and Mahsa Roodbari

For demonstration of the tool and more information about the developer questions and ontology, follow the link below.

SEC consists of three major components. The first component is the ontology. The ontology serves as a database to model and store architectural knowledge. The ontology is hosted in an Apache Jena Fuseki Server to allow outside applications to fetch information from the ontology via SparQL queries (Apache Jena is not included in this repository). The second component is a set of common questions which developers frequently ask during development tasks which SEC is designed to answer. The third and last component is the explanation generator which makes use of all the previous components. The explanation generator queries the ontology to fetch links, entities, textual descriptions, etc. to present both textual and visual explanations for the developer questions.

High level system design

Folder structure

This section describes the responsibilities of classes and where they are located. All code for SEC resides in: Presentation\FlaskServer.


All files for the back-end in found in Presentation\FlaskServer. The back-end handles querying data from ontology and building the explanations. To build explanations we do it in two parts, first we build a data structure that includes all entities, relationships and descriptions. Then we build section structures based on this data structure. These two structures are lastly passed on to the front-end for layouting and rendering.

Main class:


Classes that build explanation

Data structures


The front-end consists of two main parts, page layout (and logic) and graph builders. The layout lays the design of the website, and the graph builders build visualizations of given entities and relationships.

Page layout

All files for layout can be found in: \Presentation\FlaskServer\templates. Jinja is used as a templating engine to add logic into HTML and make them reusable. The three most important layout classes are:

Page logic

All files for page logic is found in Presentation\FlaskServer\static.

Page styling

All files for styling the page is found in Presentation\FlaskServer\static\css.

Graph builders

All files for building the interactive graph can be found in Presentation\FlaskServer\static. This folder is currently a bit messy, but I will name the javascript classes we use to generate the graphs, and the rest are libraries.