Library for using Atlas Scientific EZO devices in UART mode
To use the library with Arduino, follow this link.
EZO devices are in UART mode by default, but to revert them from I2C mode, see this instructable
See our instructables page to learn how to assemble the hardware for some of the examples
Ezo_uart(Stream& Serial_port):Serial_port(Serial_port){}
//takes a stream object, which is usually a hardware or software serial port
Ezo_uart(Stream& Serial_port, const char* name):Serial_port(Serial_port), name(name){}
//takes a stream object, which is usually a hardware or software serial port and a name string
bool send_read();
//sends the "R" command to the device and parses the response so its
//accessible as a float with the get_reading() function
//this function blocks until a reading is received
bool send_read_with_temp_comp(float temperature);
//sends the "RT" command with the temperature converted to as string
//and parses the response so its
//accessible as a float with the get_reading() function
//this function blocks until a reading is received
void send_cmd_no_resp( const String& cmd);
//sends a command to the circuit, but doesnt receive the response
//the reponse can either be later cleared with flush_rx_buffer() or received with
//receive_cmd(). One can check if theres any data in the response buffer with data_available();
uint8_t send_cmd(const String& cmd, char* sensordata_buffer, const uint8_t buffer_len);
//sends a command, then blocks until a repsonse.
//When the response is received its placed into char* sensordata_buffer
uint8_t send_cmd_with_num(const char* cmd, char * sensordata_buffer,
const uint8_t buffer_len, float num, uint8_t decimal_amount);
//sends a command with num appended after as a string, then blocks until a repsonse.
//When the response is received its placed into char* sensordata_buffer
uint8_t receive_cmd(char * sensordata_buffer, const uint8_t buffer_len);
//waits for a response then returns it in char* sensordata_buffer
//can be called after send_cmd_no_resp(), or if theres data in the buffer according to data_available()
//also useful to receive data from a module thats in continuous mode
float get_reading();
//returns the last reading the device received as a float
const char* get_name();
//returns a pointer to the name string
void flush_rx_buffer();
//discards all the data in the module's serial buffer
uint8_t data_available();
//a passthrough for the serial port's available() function