AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocollect

Biocollect front end application
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Email notification to project members #1049

Open temi opened 5 years ago

temi commented 5 years ago

This feature will allow admin users of a project to communicate via email with other members of the project. It is important to send as BCC to sender and recipients to ensure that user privacy is protected from BioCollect.

This feature should also ideally allow individual members (all users) to be able to opt-out of notifications and email correspondence if they choose to and hence an interface to do this should be provided. Op-outs should be indicated on the admin user contact/notification facility by making it impossible to select to notify opt-out users.

pbrenton commented 5 years ago

This issue has been parked in order to address higher priority work and to refine issues around privacy and legal compliance.