AtlasOfLivingAustralia / biocollect

Biocollect front end application
10 stars 14 forks source link


Build status

Master branch

Travis Build

Develop branch

Travis Build


This repo is a fork of the fieldcapture-hubs repo where the plugin has been promoted to become the host app. From the moment of creation of this repo BioCollect and Merit will go separate ways.

The resulting project has been significantly refactored. All the MERIT inherited server side code base is now under the package name It would be convenient to organically remove all the code that we won't be using in biocollect.

New server side classes that are custom to BioCollect should be under the package name

General Information


Development Setup

Running Grails4 version

Run BioCollect:

./gradlew bootRun

To run BioCollect with support for hot-reloading of changes to the ecodata-client-plugin & ala-map-plugin, clone the ecodata-client-plugin & ala-map-plugin repositories into the same parent folder as the BioCollect project. Run BioCollect with additional parameters:

./gradlew :bootRun -Pinplace=true

Note the leading colon before the bootRun task - this is required as when inplace=true gradle is configured in a multi-project build configuration.

Running Javascript automatic tests