AtlasOfLivingAustralia / image-service

Image repository and tiling services
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page size is not constrained in searching images #100

Closed sadeghim closed 4 years ago

sadeghim commented 4 years ago

You can make URLs like which will cause some load on the server. Though the rate limiter of nginx will kick in and some of the images will fail to load.

djtfmartin commented 4 years ago

Theres a max offset currently set to 1000.

This is configurable:

I thought 10k was reasonable without causing performance issues.

@sadeghim did you have an idea of what the max offset should be?

sadeghim commented 4 years ago

nginx has the burst limit of 800 and I see errors when the max is 1000: *671972 limiting requests, excess: 800.976 by zone "nginxratelimitzone",

I tested with 500 and could hit that again. But 200 was completely fine and I think reasonable.

djtfmartin commented 4 years ago

Ive deployed some changes to images-dev with some additional config settings

  indexName: "images"
  host: ""
  scheme: "http"
  port1: 9200
  port2: 9201
  maxFacetSize: 10000
  maxOffset: 10000
  maxPageSize: 200
  defaultPageSize: 10