AtlasOfLivingAustralia / image-service

Image repository and tiling services
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ala ala-product-images ala-systems elastic-search image-viewer images imageserver webservices

image-service Build Status

This Grails application provides the webservices and backend for the storage of all images in the Atlas. It includes:

There are other related repositories to this one:

Upgrading from 1.0

Please see the Upgrading from 1.0 to 1.1 wiki page before upgrading an image-service 1.0 or earlier installation to the latest version.



There are ansible scripts for this applications (and other ALA tools) in the ala-install project. The ansible playbook for the image-service is here

You can also run this application locally by following the instructions on its wiki page

Running it locally


There is a docker-compose YML file that can be used to run postgres locally for local development purposes. To use run:

docker-compose -f postgres.yml up -d

And to shutdown

docker-compose -f postgres.yml kill

Elastic search

There is a docker-compose YML file that can be used to run elastic search locally for local development purposes. To use run:

docker-compose -f elastic.yml up -d

And to shutdown

docker-compose -f elastic.yml kill