System, demo, and user-submitted applications built on LinkedDataHub. Completely data-driven, no code involved (besides the shell scripts).
The installation scripts in this repository use LinkedDataHub's CLI scripts. You need to set SCRIPT_ROOT
environmental variable to the scripts
subfolder of your LinkedDataHub fork or clone, for example:
export SCRIPT_ROOT="/c/Users/namedgraph/WebRoot/AtomGraph/LinkedDataHub/scripts"
Note that app installation scripts are not idempotent. Subsequent runs might continue adding data but are not guaranteed to succeed.
The documentation of LinkedDataHub open-source and Cloud versions.
Knowledge Graph representation of the Northwind Traders sample database.
query for each container that includes links to related resources (1:N relationships) from which faceted search options are generatedBrowser of Copenhagen's geospatial open data, imported from Copenhagen Open Data. Provides a type-colored geospatial overview. Geo resources provide a view with neighbouring resources included.
Browser over a collection of molecules as well as a bar chart rendered from a SPARQL result.
Basic SKOS editor with a custom UI theme. Concepts and concept schemas can be created, edited, and linked with each other. Ontology types have separate URI templates; required instance properties are validated using constraints.
You need to request append/write access to be able to create/edit the data.