AtomLinter / linter-dartanalyzer

Linter plug in for Dart in the Atom text editor
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Linter Dart (Inactive)

Please use the dartlang package instead

Provides linter support for Dart in Atom via dartanalyzer.


Just run apm install linter-dartanalyzer or install it from the settings view.

You must also have the Linter package installed. You can install that by running apm install linter or installing the linter package in the settings view.


You must set in your config.cson file the path of your Dart SDK bin folder like so...

  'dartanalyzerExecutablePath': 'C:\\Program Files\\dart-sdk\\bin'

Mine is on Windows so I have to escape the backslashes. If you're on Linux or Mac you don't need to do that.