AudiRo2993 / Discord.JS-V14-Handler

MIT License
10 stars 5 forks source link


Made by AudiRo#7652 - LYXCODE Base


Download this code as ZIP and add it to your code editor. I prefer Visual Studio Code.
Open a new terminal and do npm i to install all required Packages
Fill in everything required in .env file, and config.json
run the bot by typing in terminal node .
Rename .env.example file to .env


.env - Values
-AppID: Discord Bot ID (984461145475776532)
-BotToken: Discord Bot Token ( tought)
-BotOwnerID: Owner of the Bot ID (674985858142699532)
-Secret: Discord bot Secret (in oAuth in
-DevGuild: The Developer guild for the bot[Developer commands will be loaded there] (Guild ID)
-Connect: MongoDB URL[Required for DataBase commands] ()

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