AudreyBeard / compressure

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Compressure is a tool for video and image creation that hacks the time-dependence properties of video compression codecs (H.264, MPEG-4, etc.) by manipulating the frame timeline to break motion-estimation for new forms of movement. In practice, we do this in a a few distinct steps:

  1. transcode source videos into specified format
  2. slice source videos into "superframes," or equal-sized chunks of adjacent frames
  3. compose slices/superframes such that the output repeats or skips frames in the original, by navigating through a timeline of superframes forwards or backwards

We will elaborate on each of these steps, as well as how these steps work together to make these visuals, later in this README.

Below is just one example of the kinds of textures and colors we can create using this tool. For more examples, please see the Gallery at the bottom of this README.

A single frame from a video created by mip using only Compressure on a source video


First of all, make sure you have ffmpeg installed - on MacOS, you can use brew install ffmpeg, and on Debian derivatives you can use apt-get install ffmpeg. You probably don't need anything special here, so the builds distributed in these main channels will suffice.

We strongly recommend using virtual environments. You can use any virtual environment system you like, but we build and test with python -m venv VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT_PATH. Make sure you're using Python 3.7+.

To install, simply activate your venv and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .


The graphical user interface (GUI) is under active development, so the UI is subject to change. That being said, it's perhaps the most intuitive and quick to use. Once you've installed everything on the command line, simply run python

If you have the cores to spare, specify --n_workers X, where X is the number of cores to use

Note that you'll need some source videos to run any of these. That's kinda what this whole project is about. We suggest starting with short videos (10-30 seconds).

Screen shot of the Compressure GUI

Note that the GUI exposes four main components:

  1. Importer
  2. Slicer
  3. Exporter
  4. Manifest

The Importer, Slicer, and Exporter are designed to work in series: you use them in that order. In fact, you'll notice that the Slicer's "Slice" and Exporter's "Export" buttons are disabled until they can be used (in general, after you click "Import" and "Slice" respectively).

Note that each of the steps takes some time to process. If a cached version of a file is available, the system will grab that which is a very fast operation. The system caches files as much as possible to save time (defaults to ~/.cache/compressure), which can grow to several GB quickly. Do be aware of this when using the system.


The Importer is where we specify the forward source, backward source, and encoder settings. The forward source is the source material that we will see when we navigate forward through the timeline. The backward source is the material we will see when navigating backwards through the timeline. If you only move forward through the timeline, you'll only see the forward source. However, since the system doesn't know how you'll specify the timeline it forces you to import both directions. You can always use the same video if you just wanna get going faster. We go into detail about each of the encoder settings later, but I encourage you to try different settings to see what you like! When you've selected your sources and set the encoder how you like it, you can import it. This will take some time, depending on the length/size of the sources and the encoder settings. Once the system's done importing, you'll notice the "Slice" button is enabled.

  1. select source files:
    1. forward - video used to start, used when moving forward in the timeline
    2. Backward - used when moving backwards through the timeline
  2. specify encoder settings:
    1. encoder selection (mpeg4, libx264, h264_videotoolbox) - this is perhaps the most impactful choice you can make
    2. encoder options:
      1. preset - dictates encode speed (including size of encodes on disk), only available for libx264
      2. qp - another important parameter worth playing with, only available for libx264
      3. bitrate - similar to qp, only relevant for h264_videotoolbox


A "superframe" is a collection of adjacent frames (I like 6-10) which constitute the smallest unit within the compressure system. This is by far the longest part of the process and the point at which you can benefit from multiprocessing. The system will appear to freeze, but if you look over at the terminal at this time, you'll see it's working hard.

The Slicer is where we specify how many frames to include in each slice/superframe. Shorter slices (fewer frames) will allow you to produce a more abstract piece that diverges from the source, whereas longer slices will tend to appear more natural or evolve into chaos more slowly. Note that there's no "right" or "wrong" setting here, but it's helpful to know the framerate of the source video: a higher framerate source will correspond to shorter chunks of time per superframe than a lower framerate source (assuming the same superframe size). I like the appearance of videos made with superframe size ~6-12, but follow your heart! Once you've set the superframe size, you can click "Slice" to perform the operation. Note that this often takes the longest time, and the system may appear to freeze. This can be mitigated somewhat by using more cores, but it's never going to be instantaneous.


The Exporter is perhaps the quickest operation, and is where we specify the timeline function. It defaults to using a scaled & offset negative cosine function over half of a period, though we plan to support other functions in the future. The number of superframes you choose will impact how long the output file is and how quickly the motion appears to be. Choose more superframes for slower motion and longer files. Note here that the output video length is also dependent on superframe size, so you will notice longer output videos if you use different superframe sizes, even if you use the same number of superframes.

You will note the Exporter section has a graph which shows the timeline function - how we will move through the superframes from the sources as we move through the destination/output video. Since the period slider defaults to 0.5, you'll see the timeline visualizer defaults to half of a full period. You'll notice this updates when you change the period. Note that the timeline function can only be calculated after the source has been sliced, so it starts blank and will be updated every time you slice with a new superframe size.

  1. Compose with timeline operations - the default operation is a negative cosine:
    1. number of superframes to fit into the timeline - more is a longer film with slower motion, high is a shorter film with faster motion
    2. Number of periods in the timeline function from the beginning to the end of the timeline
  2. specify destination file


Finally, the Manifest shows you exactly what sources you've imported, how they've been encoded, and how they've been sliced. This updates automatically and is designed to help you make informed decisions about encoder and superframe selection, in case you need to save time or storage space.

System Diagram

Compressure is a data processing pipeline over which the user has some control. The following system diagram may be helpful in understanding how the user's input affects the process.

Compressure system diagram


The following assumes the reader is using MacOS or a Debian derivative and is relatively familiar with managing their machine. We don't currently support Windows, and if you use something like CentOS, BSD, or Arch, you can likely figure out how to translate these commands.

Regarding ffmpeg, if you're trying to do hardware acceleration, we suggest trying the builds distributed through the main package manager channels first, then install from source if necessary. Note that the ffmpeg developers recommend installing from source code, but that process is out of scope for this document.

Make & Docker

The easiest thing to do is simply install with Make and Docker:

make build
make run

Note that the above will first build the docker container using Dockerfile and then run that image using the mountpoints specified in Makefile, and execute the shell script Because it uses sample values for video filenames, you should see a SubprocessError indicating that a video file couldn't be found. To get around this, you should:

  1. locate one or two videos you're interested in using (suggested length >10sec and <5min), place somewhere on your filesystem to expose to the Docker container
  2. in, change the values of FNAME_VIDEO_FORWARD and FNAME_VIDEO_BACKWARD to match those of the one or two videos you selected above
  3. in Makefile, change the value of DPATH_INPUT to be the parent directory of the one or two videos you selected above
  4. Optionally in Makefile, change the value of DPATH_OUTPUT to a preferred location
  5. Build and run the docker container with make run


If you're trying to use the system directly or interactively, the easiest entrypoint is You can run this in an interactive Python session (we prefer IPython), or straight from the command line.

Note about Default Values

Compressure defaults to filesystem locations, encoding schemes, and hyperparameters that are supposed to be understandable, interesting, and fast. In general, we try to keep default parameters in a simple class within the module in which they're relevant, with class names like VideoPersistenceDefaults and VideoCompressionDefaults. This may change at some point. Below are some examples:

Note about persistent caching

The compressure system makes extensive use of persistent caching to avoid redunant encoding and slicing operations. By default, these are kept in ~/.cache/compressure and tracked in ~/.cache/compressure/manifest.json.

The compressure.persistence.CompressurePersistence class is the object we use for tracking all these versions. Unfortunately, the manifest doesn't automatically scan the persistence directory at startup, so any versions deleted outside the Compressure app won't be reflected in the manifest. The best way to add or remove entries to the persistent cache is to use the persistence object referenced at the top of this paragraph.

You can manually set the persistence directory by specifying fpath_manifest and workdir when instantiating the compressure.main.CompressureSystem object. There is currently no command-line support for this operation.

Interactive Python Session

This is the "manual" mode that gives you the most control and responsibility. It is the preferred mode of development. The specifics will be different based on your system, but it likely will look something like this:

Using Default values

from compressure.main import CompressureSystem
controller = CompressureSystem()

# Forward and backward videos - could be different sources entirely!
fpath_source_fwd = "~/data/video/input/"
fpath_source_back = "~/data/video/input/"

# Encode both - may replace all references to "compression" with "encoding"
fpath_encode_fwd = controller.compress(fpath_source_fwd)
fpath_encode_back = controller.compress(fpath_source_back)

dpath_slices_fwd = controller.slice(
dpath_slices_back = controller.slice(

# Create "buffer" of all superframes, for scrubbing through the timeline by superframes
buffer = controller.init_buffer(dpath_slices_fwd, dpath_slices_back, superframe_size=6)

# Generate a timeline function, establishing how we're moving through the timeline.
# TODO we want this to be controlled live, rather than a predefined function like so
timeline = generate_timeline_function(6, len(buffer), frequency=0.5, n_superframes=100)

# Now use the timeline to step/traverse through the video buffer
video_list = [deepcopy(buffer.state)]
for loc in timeline:

# Finally, concatenate the videos!
concat_videos(video_list, fpath_out="~/data/video/output/")

We don't currently have a more tightly-integrated traversal tool, because we're hoping to replace it with something more playable. Unfortunately, this means we're not putting much energy into tightening-up the traversal

Using Custom Values

from compressure.main import CompressureSystem, generate_timeline_function
from compressure.dataproc import concat_videos
from copy import deepcopy

# Instantiate the controller (including persistent caching, encoding, slicing)
controller = CompressureSystem(fpath_manifest, workdir, verbosity)

# Forward and backward videos - could be different sources entirely!
fpath_source_fwd = "~/data/video/input/"
fpath_source_back = "~/data/video/input/"

# Encode both - may replace all references to "compression" with "encoding"
fpath_encode_fwd = controller.compress(
        'preset': 'veryslow',
        'qp': 31,
        'bf': 0,
fpath_encode_back = controller.compress(
        'preset': 'veryslow',
        'qp': 31,
        'bf': 0,

# Slice both into "superframes" - very short (4-10 frames) video files,
# each offset by one frame with respect to its neighbors 
dpath_slices_fwd = controller.slice(
dpath_slices_back = controller.slice(

# Create "buffer" of all superframes, for scrubbing through the timeline by superframes
buffer = controller.init_buffer(dpath_slices_fwd, dpath_slices_back, superframe_size=6)

# Generate a timeline function, establishing how we're moving through the timeline.
# TODO we want this to be controlled live, rather than a predefined function like so
timeline = generate_timeline_function(6, len(buffer), frequency=0.5, n_superframes=100)

# Now use the timeline to step through the video buffer
video_list = [deepcopy(buffer.state)]
for loc in timeline:

# Finally, concatenate the videos!
concat_videos(video_list, fpath_out="~/data/video/output/")

This is where it starts to become an interesting experiment. We recommend playing around with this - use different presets, codecs, qp values, bitrates, superframe sizes, timeline functions, etc.!

Once we have a GUI and support live video creation, the experimentation process will be much faster!

Command Line

python \
  -f ~/data/video/input/ \
  -b ~/data/video/input/ \
  -g 6000 \
  --encoder libx264 \
  --encoder_config preset veryslow qp 31 bf 0 \
  --superframe_size 6 \
  --frequency 0.5 \
  --n_superframes 100 \
  -o ~/data/video/output/

The above will do exactly what we're doing above, from the command line. This may be the fastest way of interacting with it

Experimental Results


The simplest way of explaining what's happening

Video compression codecs take advantage of both spatial and temporal redundancies, to encode images and motion by referencing other parts of the image or timeline. Let's start with images, then move to the video domain:

Images are composed of high-frequency components (quickly changing colors or light intensity in space) and low-frequency components (solid blocks of color or light). A fine checkerboard, detailed hair or fur, and the texture of leaves on a tree from afar, are all examples of high-frequency spatial data. A clear sky or a single-color shirt are examples of low-frequency spatial data. Low-frequency spatial data can be encoded much more efficiently than high-frequency data, because it's less costly to say "take this color and apply it to this whole area" than to encode individual pixels (or represent an arbitrarily complex function). The specifics of this are somewhat more complex, but this simplification will do just fine for now.

Videos are obviously composed of images, so image compression ideas come into play here as well. However, since videos have a temporal component to them, we can exploit redundancies there too. A fast-paced image sequence, where subjects appear and disappear quickly, requires encoding whole sections of images from scratch. But if motion is small, or gradual, or non-existent, then we may encode a frame as "the same as the last frame, with these pixels moving in this direction," which is much more efficient. The simplest (though impractical for several reasons) implementation involves encoding only the first image in a sequence, then encoding the rest as a modification on the first. This creates a cascading chain of dependencies, where each frame is derivative of previous frames. We'll discuss the impracticalities of this particular implementation later, but its close enough to continue the conversation now.

With each of these models of compression, we encode a few components:

The question that Compressure answers is "what happens if you interrupt this chain of temporal dependencies?" If we skip frames, or duplicate frames, without adjusting the motion or residual estimation, we introduce artifacts that cascade through the image sequence, producing unexpected and unique videos. Compressure does this by encoding a source video according to user-defined parameters, slicing the compressed video it into "superframes," or short collections of consecutive frames (1-10 frames, for instance), then moving through the timeline of superframes in a way that repeats or skips superframes, introducing artifacts and slowing or speeding-up movement.

How we exploit video encoding to yield interesting results

We mentioned above that we encode videos using references to previous frames, with the first frame in the video as the terminal frame. In the parlance of video compression, we're talking about I-frames a P-frames. P-frames are those which are encoded as derivatives of previous frames and itself as much as possible, while I-frames are those which are not encoded with any temporal dependencies. Modern video codecs also make use of B-frames (for bidirectional temporal dependencies), but we don't often use them in Compressure because they tend to manifest as stuttering which we find undesireable.

In most use-cases, videos are encoded such that every ten frames or so is an I-frame, the justification being that they seek to minimize distortion (from approximating motion and residuals) and allow random access to different parts of the film. In codec world, this equates to a "group of pictures (gop) size)" of 10 (give or take). This yields the benefits above, but we eschew this in order to produce interesting artifacts. In our case, we set the gop_size to some absurdly large number, such that we never refresh the video feed with an I-frame, allowing artifacts to propagate. This technique actually comes from an artistic practice called "data moshing," which is how the Compressure project started.

Datamoshing usually involves taking two or more videos, removing the I-frames of the second, and concatenating it with the first to produce motion from the second, on top of imagery from the first. We diverge from the standard datamoshing practice by taking a single video and slicing it into many shorter videos, selecting a subset of them, and concatenating them again. The artifacting comes from moving through the video timeline (one slice at a time) at a faster or slower rate. To illustrate the slicing and traversal project, we've made a few small diagrams illustrating it:

Standard Video, 30 frames long

start                        end

26 Sliced videos, each 5 frames long

 0 <--->
 1  <--->
 2   <--->
 3    <--->
 4     <--->
 5      <--->
 6       <--->
 7        <--->
 8         <--->
 9          <--->
10           <--->
11            <--->
12             <--->
13              <--->
14               <--->
15                <--->
16                 <--->
17                  <--->
18                   <--->
19                    <--->
20                     <--->
21                      <--->
22                       <--->
23                        <--->
24                         <--->
25                          <--->

Moving through timeline (via slices) at standard speed, yielding no (or minimal) artifacting

 0 <--->
 5      <--->
10           <--->
15                <--->
20                     <--->
25                          <--->
Moving through timeline (via slices) at 140% speed, yielding some artifacts, faster motion, and a shorter video
 0 <--->
 7        <--->
14               <--->
21                      <--->

Moving through timeline (via slices) at 60% speed, yielding some artifacts, slower motion, and a longer video

 0 <--->
 3    <--->
 6       <--->
 9          <--->
12             <--->
15                <--->
18                   <--->
21                      <--->
24                         <--->

Moving through timeline (via slices) at standard speed, then reversing, yielding no (or minimal) artifacting (if we supplied a reversed video as input as well)

 0 <--->
 5      <--->
10           <--->
15                <--->
20                     <--->
25                          <--->
20                     <--->
15                <--->
10           <--->
 5      <--->
 0 <--->

As we can see above, each slice is offset by 1 frame w.r.t. its neighbors, so we can grab any slice we want. If we want to reproduce the source exactly, we simply grab each non-overlapping slice, and the output is the same length of the input. Skipping parts of the source between each concatenated slice yields faster motion (shorter video if we don't repeat) and repeating frames by selecting overlapping slices yields slower motion (longer video if we move through the whole timeline linearly).

Of course this begs the question: "what if we arbitrarily move through the timeline?" That's what we're exploring here! We currently use a function that generates a timeline according to a sinusoid. You can try this yourself following the instructions of a later section.

You'll find, as you play around with different codecs (sometimes called encoders in this project), and codec parameters (encoder_config), that different codecs produce wildly different artifacts, and tweaking various codec parameters can result in unexpected changes in the finished product. In a later section, we'll discuss some of our findings.

Using nonlinear timeline functions

The timeline function we've currently implemented is a rectified sine wave, with variable frequency. The way we implement that is by generating a discrete sine function, scale it to the total number of slices, and use that to index a slice. For example, here's some simple code that uses the values we established above:

>>> from compressure.main import generate_timeline_function
>>> generate_timeline_function(
...     superframe_size=5,
...     len_lvb=26, 
...     n_superframes=6,
...     frequency=0.5
...     )
array([ 0, 14, 23, 23, 14, 0 ])

The above timeline function corresponds to the following video ordering:

 0 <--->
14               <--->
23                        <--->
23                        <--->
14               <--->
 0 <--->

Another example:

>>> generate_timeline_function(
...     superframe_size=5,
...     len_lvb=26,
...     n_superframes=13,
...     frequency=1
...     )
array([ 0, 12, 21, 25, 21, 12, 0, 12, 21, 25, 21, 12, 0 ])

which corresponds to

 0 <--->
12             <--->
21                      <--->
25                          <--->
21                      <--->
12             <--->
 0 <--->
12             <--->
21                      <--->
25                          <--->
21                      <--->
12             <--->
 0 <--->

Finally, here's an example with higher resolution:

>>> generate_timeline_function(
...     superframe_size=5,
...     len_lvb=26,
...     n_superframes=21,
...     frequency=0.5
...     )
array([ 0, 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 24, 23, 22, 20, 17, 14, 11, 7, 3, 0 ])

and the visual representation:

 0 <--->
 3    <--->
 7        <--->
11            <--->
14               <--->
17                  <--->
20                     <--->
22                       <--->
23                        <--->
24                         <--->
25                          <--->
24                         <--->
23                        <--->
22                       <--->
20                     <--->
17                  <--->
14               <--->
11            <--->
 7        <--->
 3    <--->
 0 <--->

You can see from the above that the selection of this function is designed to show off the variable speed and directionality afforded by the compressure system.


Single frame from bl/lo/oo/om, a piece by mip using only Compressure with four different settings on the same source bl/lo/oo/om, a piece by mip using only Compressure with four different settings on the same source

Single frame from dissociation v2, a piece by mip using only Compressure on a single source dissociation v2, a piece by mip using only Compressure on a single source

Single frame from descendence, a piece by mip using only Compressure on a single source descendence, a piece by mip using only Compressure on a single source