Auerbach-Lab / Behavior-autoanalysis

Rat behavioral assay data curation and validation
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PiedPiper 1.0.3


Download the repository and, as necessary, update installed R packages from the dependency list below. Run the font setup.R admin tool line by line.


tidyverse >= 2.0.0
data.table >= 1.14.6
ggplot2 >= 3.4.0
glue >= 1.6.2
openxlsx >=
psycho >= 0.6.1
R.matlab >= 3.7.0
zip >= 2.2.2

The versions of many of these packages matter, particularly openxlsx and the tidyverse packages. Be sure to update to at least the listed versions of the dependencies above.


Throughout each day, persons responsible for running the experimental boxes (probably undergraduates) will run app.R, filling out the form for an individual rat's run and using the file picker (the Browse... button) to select the corresponding .mat file, then press Analyze. The user will be asked to examine two graphs (and possibly more, if there are any concerns raised by the initial two) to verify that the rat's weight and trial count trends are acceptable, that the data looks accurate and consistent with this rat's prior performance, etc. Once there is high confidence that the data is good and belongs to the named rat, the user will choose 'Save Run' at which point the results will be added to the archives on disk.

At the end of the day, the person responsible for making the assingments to be used the next day will run supervisor-summarize.R. It will create and open a summary .xlsx (Excel) file that displays the data and statistics for each rat that are used in choosing assignments. The supervisor will use the drop-down menus and the filename entry field to specify the configuration files that each rat should next be run on. The supervisor can also leave a note on any rat that will remain until it is cleared, intended for e.g. planning ahead.


New Experiment

Adding a new experiment requires, at minimum, updating experiment_details.csv to add the new experiment and denote its corresponding phases. If the experiment uses existing phase types, no further work is required.

If new phase types are added, main.R and supervisor-summarize.R must be updated to correctly process them. Non-exhaustively, in main, Identify_Analysis_Type() and Build_Filename() will need new definitions, and it is possible that Calculate_Summary_Statistics() will also. In supervisor-summarize, Build_Counts() and the task-specific and phase-specific portions of Build_Table() will need updating. In addition, the phase's tasks and details will have to be listed in experiment_details.csv.

New Rat

The new rat should be added to the rat_archive.csv file, either by opening it with a spreadsheet program or through R.

Hearing Loss, Rat Retirement/Death, etc

The rat_archive.csv file should be updated with the corresponding information. Never delete rows (rats) from the archive, simply update their end_date column.


Initial whiteboard -

The basic architecture is Model-View-Controller.


The *_archive.Rdata files contain the model, i.e. the storage of data. These include the rat_archive (CSV not Rdata), the run_archive, and the per-experiment trial archives (e.g. Fmr1-LE_archive).


The primary view is provided by supervisor-summarize.R. This script outputs a well-formatted .xlsx (Excel) file that allows the experimental supervisor to view summary data and statistics for the last several days for each rat, along with any warnings found when processing each day's files.


The primary controller is main.R, used through its frontend interface app.R. This file imports .mat files, which are the output from each run of the matlab control program. The data is converted into usable formats and the file is extensively checked for errors, especially mismatches between the expected or assigned parameters of that experimental run to the actual parameters used by the computer during the run. Data from the run's .mat file and input from app.R (such as the animal's current weight) is saved into the appropriate archives.

The supervisor-assign.R file, combined with the summary .xlsx file, also acts as a controller. This script transfers the future assignments (created by the supervisor using the summary sheet) to the model. This data is then checked against during main.R's execution.

Other files

Admin Tools

Several small scripts are available for those comfortable with R. Note that these have not been made user friendly or robust. Use at your own risk.