AugurWorks / Alfred

Alfred is the AugurWorks butler, happily providing tomorrow's stock prices today
MIT License
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Alfred is the AugurWorks butler, happily providing tomorrow's stock prices today.


Docker Install

Install Docker Toolbox for Docker on Windows and Mac. Docker can be natively installed on Linux. Detailed install instructions for Linux can be found on the Docker install page.

Run Without Building

To run Alfred locally without building it follow the configuration step at the top of the Tag and Push section then call the final command in that section to pull and run the container locally.


To build the WAR file within Docker run the following:

docker build -t alfred .


To run the app after building run the following:

docker rm -f alfred # Remove existing alfred container
docker run -d --name=alfred -p 8080:8080 alfred

To confirm the project is running got to http://[docker-ip]:8080/ and confirm you are redirected to the Swagger UI page.


By default Docker containers will not persist nets between Docker runs. There is a volume location available for persisting nets between runs. Add the volume parameter (-v /local/path/location:/usr/local/tomcat/nets) to persist the nets to the host machine.

Environment Variables

The Docker container can be run with certain environment variables to customize the container. These can be passed with the -e VARIABLE=value flag on the docker run command. Below are the variables and the defaults:

Tag and Push

NOTE: Info on configuring the AWS command line for ECR and the repo referred to here can be found here

After building tag the local build then push the current version and change the latest tag with the following:

# Log in to AWS
eval `aws ecr get-login [--profile aws-profile-name]`

bash [version]

To run the remote container run the following after logging into the AWS ECR:

docker run -d --name=alfred -p 80:8080 -e -e HOSTNAME=alfred --volumes-from data[version]