AugustMiller / kirby-place-field

Deprecated! A simple Google Maps field for Kirby CMS. Please use my Map Field plugin, instead:
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Attention: As of August 8, 2016, I am no longer maintaining this plugin! Please use the new Map Field plugin, which will continue to recieve support, and is already more future-proof.

Place Field

I've found that adding location data to Kirby CMS forms to be super useful.

Unfortunately, this isn't one of the many fields available to us, out of the box.

Please note that the Place Field was recently updated to store data in YAML instead of JSON. The internals of this new storage method are still under development, so you may want to check out the original 0.1 release.


Kirby Place Field Screenshot

Getting Started

If you like the command line, adding this to your project is super easy.

Be sure you have a fields folder in your site folder, then:

cd /path/to/your/project
git submodule add site/fields/place

It's important that the folder be named place, because kirby looks for the field class's definition in a PHP file with the same name as the folder.

You can also directly download an archive of the current project state, rename the folder to place, and add it to the site/fields folder of your project.

Once you've added the plugin, you can add a location field to your blueprints, like this:

    label: Location
    type: place
      lat: 45.5230622
      lng: -122.67648159999999
      zoom: 9
    help: >
      Move the pin wherever you'd like, or search for a location!

The center key allows you to customize the initial position and zoom level of the map interface.

You can also set global defaults, in your config.php:

c::set('', 45.5230622);
c::set('place.defaults.lng', -122.67648159999999);
c::set('place.defaults.zoom', 9);

These options will be overridden by any set on individual fields. Without either configured, it will default to hard-coded values.


The Place Field stores data in YAML.

You must manually transform the field to an associative array by calling the yaml field method.

The resulting array can be used just like any other:

// Or!
$location = $page->location()->yaml();
echo $location['lng']; # => -122.67648159999999

Properties address, lat and lng should exist in the decoded object, but may be empty.

Kirby creator Bastian Allgeier recently created the Geo Plugin, which is a great toolkit for working with coordinates. Check it out!
