AugustineAykara / CPU-Scheduling-Algorithm-In-C

CPU Scheduling Algorithm In C
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CPU Scheduling Algorithm In C

This repository contains various CPU Scheduling programs in C language as a part of our System Software Lab. The programs that have been completed so far are :

  1. First Come First Serve(FCFS) Non Pre-emptive
  2. Shortest Job First(SJF) Non Pre-emptive
  3. Priority Scheduling Non Pre-emptive
  4. Round Robin Scheduling Pre-emptive
  5. Bankers Algorithm
  6. Simulation of Disk Scheduling Algorithm -> FCFS, SSTF, SCAN
  7. Single Level Directory File Organization
  8. Pass One of a Two Pass Assembler
  9. Pass Two of a Two pass Assembler
  10. Absolute Loader