AuraQ / AutoCompleteForMendix

An autocomplete widget for mendix
Apache License 2.0
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Mx 8.3 - Client Warning, mx.ui.action depreceated, use instead #53

Closed L-Shel closed 4 years ago

L-Shel commented 4 years ago

Hi there

When using V5.0 of this widget, in Mendix 8.3, it logs a client level warning every time a search runs

"DEPRECATED: mx.ui.action. Use directly instead. -- will be removed in version: 10.0"

Doesn't look like it's causing any issues, but less warning in the log is always nice if it's an easy fix


hello-mendix-world commented 4 years ago

Having the same warnings in Mendix 8.8.

Is this something that will be solved in the near future?

lindski commented 4 years ago

This deprecated method has been replaced in v6.0.0, now available in the app store

hello-mendix-world commented 4 years ago

@lindski works like a charm, warning is not visible anymore. Many thanks!

hello-mendix-world commented 2 years ago

Looks like this warning is back, I keep getting logs in the console again after a search with the auto complete widget.

2021-10-26 10_18_16-Window

Muhammadwajih commented 2 years ago

Dear @hello-mendix-world Did you find a suitable solution for this "DEPRECATED: logger, use mx.logger instead -- will be removed in version: 11.0" I recently Upgrade my application from Mendix 8.18 to Mendix 9.6.11