AuraQ / AutoCompleteForMendix

An autocomplete widget for mendix
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 31 forks source link

AutoComplete for Mendix - Version 3

This widget is a wrapper for the Select2 plugin allowing a user to filter the options displayed in a dropdown when setting a reference association.


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Typical usage scenario

Where you have a large number of available options for a reference selector, use this to allow the end user to filter what options are displayed in the dropdown.



Due to the additional search options, some of the validation has moved from the widget configuraton to widget initialisation. If the dropdown does not render, check the browser console for any validation errors.


Search - XPath

Search - Microflow

Search - Microflow (Cached)

Result Display

Control Display

No Results



Known Issues

See here for all outstanding issues or to raise a new issue, enhancement etc.


v3.0.0 Breaking changes:


Mendix for the FormatString widget which we heavily borrowed from for the templating, date and number formatting :)
Select2 for the autocomplete plugin which this widget is based on.