Aureatus / readvocab

Readvocab is an app that allows users to upload PDF's, and see a descending list of the rarest words found within per the rarity of words in the English language.
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Readvocab is an app that allows users to upload PDF's, and see a descending list of the rarest words found within per the rarity of words in the English language, along with their definitions and grammatical class. To see other features, visit the features subheading.

The finding of rare words is handled by the corpus-word-freq npm package, written for this project. It can be found at

Word rarity is based upon List 1.1, the complete list without frequency cut-offs found at , which is itself based on the British National Corpus.

Table of Contents



For goals with relation to the rare words refer to the corpus-word-freq readme.

Known Issues

Tech Stack

Client: React native(Expo), TypeScript

Server: Fastify, Typescript, MongoDB

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone


Go to the project directory

  cd readvocab/frontend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Provide environment variable for API_URL. For it to work on android, it must be https, but for web it doesn't matter.

Start the server

  npm run start


Go to the project directory

  cd readvocab/backend

Install dependencies

  npm install

Provide environment variables for JWT_SECRET, PORT and MONGO_URL.

Start the server

  npm run dev