Aurora-Modders / AuroraLoader

A tool for discovering and safely managing Aurora mods
MIT License
10 stars 5 forks source link

Implement mod url feature #52

Open steili opened 4 years ago

steili commented 4 years ago

I don't know if you want feature requests here, just delete this ticket if that's not the case.

It would be nice to have a readme button for the mods.

01010100b commented 4 years ago

A system is already being put in place to allow mod authors to provide a url, which can then be clicked in the loader, with the mod author deciding where the url goes - to the mod's forum thread, or a repo, or some other homepage or whatever. Some parts are already done but some other parts (in particular the ui) still needs doing.

I'll rename your ticket accordingly and we'll consider this ticket to be tracking the implementation of that url system, so you'll get a notification if this ticket gets closed and the desired feature has become available.