Aurora-Modders / AuroraLoader

A tool for discovering and safely managing Aurora mods
MIT License
10 stars 5 forks source link

.NET Core




You must have the .NET Core 3.1 x86 runtime installed.


Download the latest release and extract to a new folder; it will automatically download a fresh copy of Aurora the first time it is run.

If you'd like AuroraLoader to manage any of your existing games of Aurora, move the folders containing them (the entire Aurora installation!) into <AuroraLoader install dir>/Games. You'll be able to select those games from the interface, and AuroraLoader will make sure to load your games using the version of Aurora they're designed for even after you've updated to newer versions.


Contact the developers on Discord or Reddit, or drop an issue or pull request directly into the repository! Note that the latest available version of AuroraLoader can always be obtained from the Releases page or by clicking the Update button within the loader itself.

For developers

Mod registry is the primary Aurora mod registry and will soon contain instructions for setting up additional registries alongside examples. AuroraLoader is designed to work with multiple registries as defined in Our goal is to allow members of the Aurora community to autonomously release and update mods that will show up in Aurora Loader while according with the developer's wishes and having a hell of a lot of fun.

Creating releases

After pushing to master or a branch, navigate to the Actions page and find the build corresponding to the change you just pushed. Download the published artifact (, i.e. it contains the file you'll be uploading).

Create a new release. If you're releasing from master, choose a valid SemVer version such as 0.24.1 and use it as your tag. If you're releasing from a branch, choose a SemVer version such as 0.24.1-rc1 and make sure you select your branch when configuring the tab. Name the release AuroraLoader <tag> and mark it as a prerelease if not on master.

Finally, update AuroraLoader/mod.json with a new version and link to the raw .zip you just uploaded.