AuslanderLab / kmermaid

MIT License
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kmermaid: Ultrafast functional classification of microbial reads


This file describes the software package kmermaid [1], a k-mer based method for functional classification of metagenomic reads into protein clusters.

Operating systems tested: Linux (CentOS version 7 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) and MacOS.

Python versions tested: Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9


[1] Anastasia Lucas, Daniel Schaffer, Jayamanna Wickramasinghe, Noam Auslander. kmermaid: Ultrafast functional classification of microbial reads


Typical install time on a "normal" desktop computer: less than 30 minutes (depending on the number of packages already installed)

Install with pip

To install the current version of this Github repo, run the following commands

git clone 
cd kmermaid
pip install .

File dependncy: To download the larger files uploaded to this repo, install git-lfs (otherwise larger files including the kmer model would not be downloded through git clone). Alternatively, download the files directly. For example, to download the kmer model to kmermaid/db/ run:

cd kmermaid/db/
rm kmer_model.pkl

Install with conda

1- Get anaconda (64 bit)installer python3.x for linux :
2- Run the installer : bash, and follow the instructions to install anaconda at your preferred directory

Run the following commands:

git clone
cd kmermaid
conda create --name kmermaid python=3.8 pip
conda activate kmermaid
pip install .

To deactivate kmermaid environment:

conda deactivate


To use kmermaid, a user must provide an input fasta/fastq and is recommended to provide an output path:

Running example (Demo):

Expected run time for demo on a "normal" desktop computer: less than 10 minutes

a. To run with an example input fasta file (inputs/reads_file.fa) run

kmermaid --input inputs/reads_file.fa --output outputs/out_file

And evaluate the output file generated in outputs/ using the expected output in expected_output/expected_out_exmp.tsv

To test if the above command worked as expected, run the additional command

 diff outputs/out_file.tsv expected_output/expected_out_exmp.tsv

The installation is correct if the above diff command retruns either no differences or small differences in the less significant digits.

b. To run the example remote homology sequences not classified with blastx as described in the manuscript (inputs/remote_homology_sequences.txt) run

kmermaid --input inputs/remote_homology_sequences.txt --output outputs/remote_ho


kmermaid output is the K-mer based cluster classification of each read which is a tab delimited file with the following columns: 1) seq_name-read id from input fasta 2) cluste_rep-protein ID of cluster representative 3) prot_name- name of the protein 4) score - confidence scores when above 3

for example, an output line from kmermaid: WP_002358485.1_0 WP_002358485.1 lantipeptide cytolysin subunit CylL-L 23.00

Parameters description:

Parameter type description default
input path (txt) fasta or fastq input file -
output path (txt) path to output file False (no argument)
cluster_reps path (txt) path to cluster names (pkl file) False (no argument)
trained_model path (txt) path to cluster (pkl file) False (no argument)
append_path Boolean (0/1) use flag with slurm 1


To retrain kmermaid with a new clustered database of protein sequences, the retraining code is provided in kmermaid/

WARNING: retraining kmermaid with a new clustered database is not recommended without sufficient benchmarking and evaluation, and is therefore at user responsibility.


If you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please create an issue on Github or email us at either or