AuthorizeNet / sdk-dotnet

.Net SDK for Authorize.Net API
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Authorize.Net .NET SDK

Travis CI Status Code Climate NuGet


Migrating from older versions

Since August 2018, the Authorize.Net API has been reorganized to be more merchant focused. AuthorizeNetAIM, AuthorizeNetARB, AuthorizeNetCIM, Reporting and AuthorizeNetSIM classes have all been deprecated in favor of net\authorize\api. To see the full list of mapping of new features corresponding to the deprecated features, see


TLS 1.2

The Authorize.Net APIs only support connections using the TLS 1.2 security protocol. Make sure to upgrade all required components to support TLS 1.2. Keep these components up to date to mitigate the risk of new security flaws.


To install the AuthorizeNet .NET SDK, run the following command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package AuthorizeNet

Registration & Configuration

Use of this SDK and the Authorize.Net APIs requires having an account on the Authorize.Net system. You can find these details in the Settings section. If you don't currently have a production Authorize.Net account, sign up for a sandbox account.


To authenticate with the Authorize.Net API, use your account's API Login ID and Transaction Key. If you don't have these credentials, obtain them from the Merchant Interface. For production accounts, the Merchant Interface is located at (; and for sandbox accounts, at (

After you have obtained your credentials, load them into the appropriate variables in your code. The below sample code shows how to set the credentials as part of the API request.

To set your API credentials for an API request:

ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.MerchantAuthentication = new merchantAuthenticationType()
    name = "YOUR_API_LOGIN_ID",
    ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey,

Never include your API Login ID and Transaction Key directly in a file in a publically accessible portion of your website. As a best practice, define the API Login ID and Transaction Key in a constants file, and reference those constants in your code.

Switching between the sandbox environment and the production environment

Authorize.Net maintains a complete sandbox environment for testing and development purposes. The sandbox environment is an exact replica of our production environment, with simulated transaction authorization and settlement. By default, this SDK is configured to use the sandbox environment. To switch to the production environment, set the appropriate environment constant using ApiOperationBase RunEnvironment method. For example:

ApiOperationBase<ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse>.RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION;

API credentials are different for each environment, so be sure to switch to the appropriate credentials when switching environments.

SDK Usage Examples and Sample Code

When using this SDK, downloading the Authorize.Net sample code repository is recommended.

The repository contains comprehensive sample code for common uses of the Authorize.Net API.

The API Reference contains details and examples of the structure and formatting of the Authorize.Net API.

Use the examples in the API Reference to determine which methods and information to include in an API request using this SDK.

Create a Chase Pay Transaction

Use this method to authorize and capture a payment using a tokenized credit card number issued by Chase Pay. Chase Pay transactions are only available to merchants using the Paymentech processor.

The following information is required in the request:

When using the SDK to submit Chase Pay transactions, consider the following points:

Building & Testing the SDK

Running the SDK Tests

Run the tests against a stub backend by using the USELOCAL run configuration.

Update app.config in the AuthorizeNetTest folder to run all the tests against your sandbox account.

Testing Guide

For additional help in testing your code, Authorize.Net maintains a comprehensive testing guide that includes test credit card numbers to use and special triggers to generate certain responses from the sandbox environment.

Logging Sensitive Data

A new sensitive data logger has been introduced with the Authorize.Net .NET SDK, which is an enhancement on the existing logging framework.

The logger uses System.Diagnostics namespace in .NET Framework. No external libraries need to be installed along with the application to use the logger.

Enable the logger by providing the following configuration in the app.config/web.config files of your application. The log levels supported are 'Verbose','Information','Warning' and 'Error'.

If you have previously enabled logging in your application, configurations will need to be updated as below:

      <source name="AnetDotNetSdkTrace"
          <add name="textListener"
              type="AuthorizeNet.Util.SensitiveDataTextLogger, AuthorizeNet"
          <add name="consoleListener"
                        type="AuthorizeNet.Util.SensitiveDataConsoleLogger, AuthorizeNet">
          <remove name="Default" />
      <add name="sourceSwitch" value="Warning"/>

As of now, two types of listeners, viz. TextListener and ConsoleListener are supported with the logger. The corresponding sensitive listener types AuthorizeNet.Util.SensitiveDataTextLogger and AuthorizeNet.Util.SensitiveDataConsoleLogger mask the sensitive data before logging into log file and console respectively.

The sensitive fields that are masked during logging are:

There is also a list of regular expressions which the sensitive logger uses to mask credit card numbers while logging.

More information on the regular expressions used during sensitive data logging can be found here.

To unmask sensitive data, use the default TextWriterTraceListener and ConsoleTraceListener.

      <source name="AnetDotNetSdkTrace"
          <add name="textListener"
          <add name="consoleListener"
          <remove name="Default" />
      <add name="sourceSwitch" value="Warning"/>

AnetDotNetSdkTrace should be used as the source name, as it is being used by the TraceSource inside logger framework code.

Transaction Hash Upgrade

Authorize.Net is phasing out the MD5 based transHash element in favor of the SHA-512 based transHashSHA2. The setting in the Merchant Interface which controlled the MD5 Hash option is no longer available, and the transHash element will stop returning values at a later date to be determined. For information on how to use transHashSHA2, see the Transaction Hash Upgrade Guide.


This repository is distributed under a proprietary license. See the provided LICENSE.txt file.