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A simple static site generator
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Welcome to Invariable:
A Simple to use Static Site Generator

Invariable is a straightforward, easy-to-use application designed to help you create and manage static websites. Crafted with love in Elixir, it incorporates a few select tools to ensure your website building process is as smooth and efficient as possible:

Core Features:

Invariable aims to simplify the website creation process, allowing you to use GitHub Actions to automatically generate a static site. This site can then be hosted directly from your GitHub repository as a GitHub Page, following the straightforward setup process detailed below.

Getting Started: Runn locally

Setting Up GitHub Pages:

  1. Generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) for CI/CD:

    • Navigate through: User Settings → Developer Settings → Personal Access Tokens → Tokens (classic).
    • Click on "Generate new token (classic)," add a note for clarity, and choose 'No Expiration' for longevity. Remember, security is key, so be sure to understand and manage the risks associated with this token.
    • Copy the newly generated PAT for later use.
  2. Create a Secret for Your Repository:

    • Go to Repo Settings → Secrets and variables → Repository secrets → New Repository secret.
    • Name it PAT and paste in your generated token.
  3. Prepare Your Content:

    • Create a new branch named web.
    • Update the content_src/site_config.yml with your site's name, description, and clean up any placeholder navigation links.
  4. Configure GitHub Actions:

    • In the web branch, adjust the .github/workflows/deploy.yml file to trigger on pushes to the web branch.
  5. Launch Your Site:

    • After your changes trigger the GitHub Actions, a gh-pages branch will be created.
    • Set your GitHub Pages source to the gh-pages branch in your repository settings.

Congratulations! 🎉 Your site should now be live.

Additional Configuration:

Invariable is all about making web development accessible and manageable, whether you're a seasoned developer or new to the scene. Enjoy building your site!