Autobots-Visman / reinforcement-learning

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Reinforcement Learning

This is exploration into reinforcement learning with manipulators. We're trying to build a modular environment to train RL-Based agents by providing a standard REST Based Interface to access multiple simulations environment based of Handy Maniupulators. On the otherside, we're trying to design an agent that could learn and benefit from this environment setup.



To run the gazebo simulation, run the following commands which require docker.

# make sure your display variable is set
export DISPLAY=:0

# ensure the X server is open to connections from docker
xhost +local:docker

# build the container images for gazebo and ros
make build

# run everything
make up

# You can enter a running container by running the following command
docker exec -it [docker_id] /bin/bash

# You can run a new docker image (e.g. to use for development) for the base image using
docker run -it [image_id] /bin/bash

By default, we build a cpu-only version of the environment. If you'd like to utilize a gpu for model inference or simulation, run the gpu version of the docker images.

make up-gpu

Go to the agent directory for more information on the agent.

installing pre-commit

pre-commit will run tooling to lint and format code before committing.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

This should now run automatically on commit.

installing new dependencies

To add a new python dependency to the ros packages, add a to the package root. Then add a reference to it from the top-level Then compile the dependencies using pip-compile via pip-tools.

pip install pip-tools

# or via docker
docker compose run base pip-compile
sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) requirements.txt

Rebuild the docker images to pull in the new dependencies.

notes on wsl2

Using host networking mode in docker on wsl2 will end up using the dockerd networking stack instead of the one inside of your wsl2 environment. We need to use host networking for ROS to work properly, due to the dynamic allocation of ports and the fixed ip addresses of various nodes. This conflicts the idea of running a web service, since the dockerd wsl2 environment is firewalled from the the rest of the network. To get around this, we can use tailscale to create a vpn tunnel to the host machine.

docker run --name=tailscaled -v /var/lib:/var/lib -v /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --network=host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=NET_RAW tailscale/tailscale

Authenticate, and also authenticate on the host machine you want to interact with the service from.

generating docs

We use pandoc to generate a report from markdown.

make report


notes and reading