Autodesk / arnold-usd

Arnold components for USD
238 stars 56 forks source link
arnold houdini hydra katana maya usd

Arnold USD

This repository contains a set of components and tools to use the Arnold renderer with Pixar's Universal Scene Description. Notably, the following components are included:

Contributions are welcome! Please make sure to read the contribution guidelines.

Building and installation

Please follow the building instructions. To use the components, provided you installed in <arnold-usd_dir>, set the following environment variables:

Hydra Render Delegate

The render delegate currently supports the following features:


Node Registry Plugin

The Node Registry plugin supports the current features:


Arnold USD Procedural

The procedural supports the following features:

Limitations Currently unsupported:

Arnold USD Procedural

The scene delegate supports the following features:

Limitations Currently unsupported:


Running the arnold-usd testsuite requires the latest version of Arnold, that can be downloaded at It is not supported for older versions of Arnold.
