AutomatedProcessImprovement / knockouts-redesign

Tool for discovering improvement opportunities in knock-out checks of Business Processes
Apache License 2.0
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This is the implementation of a data-driven approach for discovering improvement opportunities related to the execution of knock-out checks within business processes.

The tool comes with a browser-based UI (powered by Streamlit), but it can also be invoked via CLI or imported as a module in Python scripts.



  1. Set-up
  2. Usage
  3. Running tests
  4. Notes


Option A: Using a setup script

Expand - Clone the repo - [Create a virtual environment with venv]( - In the directory that contains the newly created `venv` folder, run: ``` source venv/Scripts/activate pip install -r requirements.txt ``` - Depending on your platform, install graphviz (v 3.0.0+) separately, and make sure it's in your `PATH` (see also: [graphviz downloads page]( ```bash # Windows: choco install graphviz # Linux: sudo apt install graphviz # Mac: brew install graphviz ```


Create a config file following the schema defined in config_schema.json (the directory also contains examples). Then you can choose whether to:

Running tests

Shell scripts are provided, which run the tests in parallel (thanks to pytest-xdist).

 # Windows: 

 # Linux: 


About wittgenstein & grid search

Expand - Excessive warnings are printed due to `frame.append` deprecation warnings in the `wittgenstein` package. - Currently, they can just be suppressed by passing the `-Wignore` flag. - Another situation where excessive warnings are printed, is during the parameter grid search, as some combinations may yield too small training sets or sets with no positive examples. - This can be safely ignored as long as the grid contains at least one parameter combination that results in a valid dataset, and the rule discovery module is able to return meaningful rules.