Automattic / juice

Juice inlines CSS stylesheets into your HTML source.
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css email html inline

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Given HTML, juice will inline your CSS properties into the style attribute.

Some projects using Juice

How to use

Juice has a number of functions based on whether you want to process a file, HTML string, or a cheerio document, and whether you want juice to automatically get remote stylesheets, scripts and image dataURIs to inline.

To inline HTML without getting remote resources, using default options:

var juice = require('juice');
var result = juice("<style>div{color:red;}</style><div/>");

result will be:

<div style="color: red;"></div>

Try out the web client version

What is this useful for ?


Juice is exposed as a standard module, and from CLI with a smaller set of options.


All juice methods take an options object that can contain any of these properties, though not every method uses all of these:


juice(html [, options])

Returns string containing inlined HTML. Does not fetch remote resources.

juice.juiceResources(html, options, callback)

Callback returns string containing inlined HTML. Fetches remote resources.

juice.juiceFile(filePath, options, callback)

Callback returns string containing inlined HTML. Fetches remote resources.

juice.juiceDocument($ [, options])

This takes a cheerio instance and performs inlining in-place. Returns the same cheerio instance. Does not fetch remote resources.

juice.inlineContent(html, css [, options])

This takes html and css and returns new html with the provided css inlined. It does not look at <style> or <link rel="stylesheet"> elements at all.

juice.inlineDocument($, css [, options])

Given a cheerio instance and css, this modifies the cheerio instance so that the provided css is inlined. It does not look at <style> or <link rel="stylesheet"> elements at all.

Global settings


An object where each value has a start and end to specify fenced code blocks that should be ignored during parsing and inlining. For example, Handlebars (hbs) templates are juice.codeBlocks.HBS = {start: '{{', end: '}}'}. codeBlocks can fix problems where otherwise juice might interpret code like <= as HTML, when it is meant to be template language code. Note that codeBlocks is a dictionary which can contain many different code blocks, so don't do juice.codeBlocks = {...} do juice.codeBlocks.myBlock = {...}


Array of ignored pseudo-selectors such as 'hover' and 'active'.


Array of HTML elements that can receive width attributes.


Array of HTML elements that can receive height attributes.


Object of style property names (key) to their respective attribute names (value).


Array of table HTML elements that can receive attributes defined in juice.styleToAttribute.


Array of elements that will not have styles inlined because they are not intended to render.


Array of css properties that won't be inlined.

Special markup


When a data-embed attribute is present on a stylesheet <link> that has been inlined into the document as a <style></style> tag by the web-resource-inliner juice will not inline the styles and will not remove the <style></style> tags.

This can be used to embed email client support hacks that rely on css selectors into your email templates.

CLI Options

To use Juice from CLI, run juice [options] input.html output.html

For a listing of all available options, just type juice -h.

Note that if you want to just type juice from the command line, you should npm install juice -g so it is globally available.

CLI Options:

The CLI should have all the above options with the names changed from camel case to hyphen-delimited, so for example extraCss becomes extra-css and webResources.scripts becomes web-resources-scripts.

These are additional options not included in the standard juice options listed above:

Running Juice in the Browser

Attempting to Browserify require('juice') fails because portions of Juice and its dependencies interact with the file system using the standard require('fs'). However, you can require('juice/client') via Browserify which has support for juiceDocument, inlineDocument, and inlineContent, but not juiceFile, juiceResources, or inlineExternal. Note that automated tests are not running in the browser yet.


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