Automattic / newspack-custom-content-migrator

Custom migration tasks for launching and migrating Newspack sites on Atomic
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Newspack Custom Content Migrator

This plugin is a set of WP CLI commands and scripts used during Newspack sites Live Launches and/or Content Updates.

This Plugin consists of various Migrators (which perform reusable or publisher-specific content migration), and the "Content Diff" logic.


Run composer install.

Running PHPCS

Working with the NMT (newspack-migration-tools)

We are aiming to have all re-usable logic in the NMT. We pull in the NMT with composer, so that means that you need to keep your branch updated. Whenever code has been merged to trunk in the NMT, do a composer update automattic/newspack-migration-tools to update the lockfile and get the latest from the NMT into this repository. We point to the dev-trunk branch in this repo's composer file so run composer update automattic/newspack-migration-tools to update the lockfile and get the latest from the NMT. If nothing happens when you update, then run composer clear-cache and try again.

Here is a oneliner (well – there are three lines for readability) that is safe to use even if you have the NMT symlinked into the vendor directory:

rm -rf vendor/automattic/newspack-migration-tools && git checkout trunk && composer update automattic/newspack-migration-tools && git add composer.lock 
git commit -m 'Updating NMT composer pointer'
git push 

Working on the NMT and this repository at the same time

It's likely that you'll have changes to both the NMT and the branch you are working in on the NCCM (this repo) too. To avoid working in the vendor directory, an easy way is to create a directory called dev in the root of this repository, go into that directory and then clone the NMT so you end up with a structure like: dev/newspack-migration-tools. Once you have that checked out into the dev directory, then (from the root of this repo) run composer run-script update-with-nmt-symlinked. This will symlink the NMT into the vendor directory so you can work on both at the same time. If you need to update the NMT, then go into the dev/newspack-migration-tools directory and do your work there. Once you have merged your changes to trunk in the NMT, then come back to this repo and run composer update automattic/newspack-migration-tools to update the lockfile and get the latest from the NMT.


The Plugin is installed on a the Staging Site, and executed there to import the most recent content from the current live site.


Migrators are classes which perform content migration and data reformatting functionality. They are organized like this:

There are two kinds of Commands:

Content Diff

The Content Diff is a functionality which updates Staging site's content by syncing the newest/freshest content from the Live site on top of the Staging site.

It fetches the newest content from the JP Rewind backup archive, by importing "live site's DB tables" side-by-side to the existing local WP tables, and then searches and imports the live site's newest content, and imports the missing "content diff" on top of the Staging site.

Creating a Migrator

New Command Class

Take any existing migrator from the src/Command and copy it either into the src/Command/General or the src/Command/PublisherSpecific with a new name.

Command classes implement the InterfaceCommand which simply makes sure they register WP CLI commands.

Register the New Command

The new Command should be registered in the newspack-custom-content-migrator.php.

After creating a new Command, run composer dump-autoload to update the autoloading files.

Running the Content Diff

The Knife uses the script to run the whole CD update automatically.

Alternatively, the Content Diff CLI command class exposes commands which we can run manually to first detect the newest content (newspack-content-migrator content-diff-search-new-content-on-live) and then import it (newspack-content-migrator content-diff-migrate-live-content).

Creating a release