Will poll for Retweet Contests and retweet them. Inspired by http://www.hscott.net/twitter-contest-winning-as-a-service/
A more acceptable use of this kind of app may involve using to search for philanthropic causes requesting retweets, and retweet less often so as not to seem spammy.
This bot is written purely for educational purposes. I hold no liability for what you do with this bot or what happens to you by using this bot. Abusing this bot can get you banned from Twitter, so make sure to read up on proper usage of the Twitter API.
You can fork this repository on GitHub as long as it links back to this original repository. Do not sell this script as I would like the code to remain free.
Open up config.json
and make the values correspond to your Twitter API credentials.
From the command line:
pip3 install TwitterAPI && pip3 install apscheduler
Then run:
python3 main.py
This project was originally forked from https://github.com/kurozael/twitter-contest-bot.
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