AuziMan / nodeBlog

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Welcome to Auzi's Blog Page!
This is a basic blog page using Node.JS and Express

I got the boilerplate code from a youtube series found here:

I added my own featues and designs and will continue to make updates as I build my skills.

Some key features I'd like to point out are:

Below are some screenshots directly from the page!

NOTE: I will keep these screenshots as UTD as possible, but hopefully soon you will be able to take a look for yourself! Enjoy!

Home Page (Top)

Here, I have my current landing page with a nav bar, an optional Light and Dark Mode toggle button, and a search button.

Below, I have some pictures, but I plan to turn this into a carrosell of pictures. Still finalizing the home page design here at the top.

Home Page screenshot

Home Page (Middle)

As you scroll down, you are able to see some recent blog posts, organized by most recent. A user is able to click on each blog post to have a full-page view of the post!

Eventually, I will introduce funtionality to attach a song of my choice to each blog post!

Home Page screenshot

Home Page (Bottom)

At the bottom of the page is my favorite feature, my 'Now Listening' section!

This is a dynamic bubble that shows what song I am currently listening to. Because I was not listening to any songs at the moment, it shows 'No Track Currently Playing.'.

Home Page screenshot

As soon as I start playing a song on Spotify, the bubble will update to display the current track!

Home Page screenshot

Song Page

The next page I have is my 'Songs' page! This page shows some of my favorite songs at the moment.

Each song card is a link to the specific song on Spotify.

Home Page screenshot

Admin Page

And lastly, my Admin page. Here, I am able to create, edit and delete posts!

Home Page screenshot