Avaiga / taipy-studio-config

Visual Studio Code extension for Taipy: Configuration Builder
Apache License 2.0
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Taipy: Configuration Builder

Taipy Configuration Builder makes it possible to create complete configuration files for Taipy.
These files must have the .toml extension.

With Taipy Configuration Builder you can create, edit or remove any configuration element from a dedicated pane.

You can get all the relevant information on this extension on the Taipy Studio Configuration Builder documentation page.

Opening the Taipy Configuration Builder pane

The Taipy Configuration Builder pane appears in the Visual Studio Code secondary side bar.
All you need to do to make it visible is check the View > Appearance > Secondary Side Bar option.


Config Files section

This section lists all the potential configuration files in your project. Configuration files (.toml files) appear in the 'Config Files' section with their base name.

If several files have the same base name, the actual directory path where this file is located appears next to the configuration file name.

When you select a configuration file from the 'Config Files' section, all other sections get updated with the relevant configuration items that were recognized in the selected configuration file.

Data Nodes section

The Data Nodes section displays the list of the names of all the data nodes read from the selected configuration file.

Tasks section

The Tasks section displays the list of the names of all the tasks read from the selected configuration file.

Text edition of configuration files.

If you open a configuration file from the Explorer area, it opens just like any regular text file in Visual Studio Code.

The Taipy Configuration Builder provides support for a faster and safer edition of this text file:

You can also drag configuration elements from their section to the text location where you want to use that element, press the Shift key and release the mouse button. The configuration element will be added, if relevant, to your target text.