This repository contains source code for the integration of Avalonia and MAUI frameworks, supporting the following scenarios:
Supported OS: iOS and Android only.
Demo project to try:
.UseMauiApp<App>() // MAUI Application
.UseAvalonia<AvaloniaApp>() // Avalonia Application
method.<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Start">
<maui:AvaloniaView HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<ava:Button Content="Avalonia Button"/>
<Button Text="Maui Button"/>
Don't forget to add Avalonia xmlns namespaces to your MAUI XAML file xmlns:maui="clr-namespace:Avalonia.Maui.Controls;assembly=Avalonia.Maui"
and xmlns:ava="clr-namespace:Avalonia.Controls;assembly=Avalonia.Controls"
, if IDE didn't include it automatically.
Demo project to try:
to every project (shared and platform-specific) from where you will use MAUI APIs. For example, here and here.MainActivity
(Android project) and AppDelegate
(iOS project) app builders to include .UseMaui()
protected override AppBuilder CustomizeAppBuilder(AppBuilder builder)
return base.CustomizeAppBuilder(builder)
method. For example, we enable third-party MAUI controls this way.<UniformGrid Columns="2" Height="40">
<Button Content="Avalonia Button" />
<mauiControls:Button Text="MAUI Button" />
Don't forget about xmlns namespaces here as well: xmlns:controls="using:Avalonia.Maui.Controls"
and xmlns:mauiControls="using:Microsoft.Maui.Controls"
to your csproj file as well.private async void Button_OnClick(object? sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync();
Don't forget about enabling specific permissions. In the case of Geolocation class, you can follow this documentation from Microsoft.