AvaloniaUI / avalonia-docs

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Avalonia UI Documentation

The repository holds the code and markdown source files for the Avalonia UI documentation website, which is accessible at docs.avaloniaui.net



We welcome your valuable feedback on the documentation! Please feel free to join our Community on Telegram and send us a message. We would be delighted to hear from you and assist you with any queries or concerns you may have.

Documentation Issues

If you come across any issues with the documentation or have a feature request related explicitly to it, we encourage you to create a new GitHub issue. Before creating a new issue, we kindly request that you check for existing issues to avoid duplication.


To contribute to Avalonia UI documentation, you need to fork this repository and submit a pull request for the Markdown and/or image changes that you're proposing.


The two suggested workflows are:


Local setup



npm install


npx docusaurus start
npx docusaurus start --locale zh-Hans
npx docusaurus start --locale ru

Thanks 💜

Thanks for all your contributions and efforts towards improving the Avalonia UI documentation. We thank you being part of our ✨ community ✨!