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upload scripts in Avans role #18

Closed Dirowa closed 2 years ago

Dirowa commented 2 years ago

upload Avans role to roles/avans/files/...

Deploy the Grafana scripts by the ansible role

hexylena commented 2 years ago

for the ssh key that needs to be deployed, we should also include it, but it should be encrypted (use ansible-vault encrypt ... before git add)

Dirowa commented 2 years ago

hi @hexylena ,

Do you know how to resolve this bug, i,m not able to log in as telegraf user, nor cant I find anything userfull online (* I probably forgot the key words)

The authenticity of host 'archive.surfsara.nl (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:v5Lzrm5O/dyeus5XDOjGBQCUyn1HSl9J7ZB2PNVYNsM.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?


Currently, did I create a role to manage this for us, which is named telegram_archive. I think it would be better to rename it as Avans_monitoring, where we will store all our monitoring scripts/templates etc. Is it perhaps a better idea to merge the playbooks automation.yml and all.yml and deploy it to all our machines? So then i can also use this monitoring function easily over galaxy.atgm.avans.nl

edit2: fixed error

hexylena commented 2 years ago
root@galaxy:/home/hexylena# sudo -u telegraf bash

telegraf has no login shell, so, you must run bash with it.

I think it would be better to rename it as Avans_monitoring, where we will store all our monitoring scripts/templates etc.

yep, sounds good.

Is it perhaps a better idea to merge the playbooks automation.yml and all.yml and deploy it to all our machines? So

so 'automation' is really just the monitoring/jenkins components, everything reports back to that? Let's discuss this afternoon

Dirowa commented 2 years ago

Student projects works and automaticly updates if we create new student directories. It currently is not implemented that we have the 5 biggest directories.