AvantimeGroup / UbuntuServerSetup

Some utils script to set up an LAMP server on ubuntu
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Ubuntu Server Setup Script for PHP sites

make script runable

chmod a=r+w+x your_script_file_name

Set up server

add user

useradd git clone cd UbuntuServerSetup

Install apache, php, mysql, fail2ban, clamav, inotify. Configure fail2ban for wordpress and secure the mysql installation

run ./install.sh

create a folder

mkdir webroot

move content of website to webroot folder.

Set up website

./set_up_website.sh create

The script will set up a virualhost, add right permissions to the upload folder, add hostname to /etc/hosts

set up database

./mysql_config.sh dbname dbuser password source (path to sql-script)

The script will create a database with an local user and import all data from source

Update connectionstrings in your web application to the database.

To monitor process, for example restart mysql if it crashes.
