Avasam / ptle-tools

A mono-repo and git sub-modules for all tools relating to Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (and The Big Adventure)
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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PTLE Tools

A mono-repo and git sub-modules for all tools relating to Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (and The Big Adventure)


Download: https://dolphin-emu.org/download/ (anything 5.0-14514 or above is fine)

Free Look: https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Free_Look

Memory Watches (DMW)

Watch and modify useful memory regions. Basically practice tools.

Graphics Mods

Various graphical modifications and post-processing effects using Dolphin's Graphics Mods

Texture Packs & Resource Packs

Read more about Dolphin Custom Texure Projects.

Entrance Randomizer

An entrance randomizer prototype using python scripting with Dolphin. See /Dolphin scripts for all the details.

Assets extraction

Pitfall ARC Tool

Unarchive and re-archive .arc gamefiles.

Repository: https://github.com/UltiNaruto/PitfallARCTool


A tool to convert unarchived Pitfall TXFL/LFXT format textures from any console or version into different usable formats.

Releases: https://github.com/Helco/Pitfall/releases


Dumps GameCube and Wii textures to a format and name compatible with Dolphin texture hash.

Repository: https://github.com/Venomalia/DolphinTextureExtraction-tool#readme


A memory-based LiveSplit AutoSplitter for the PC version. Automatically installed with LiveSplit.

Read more: https://github.com/Avasam/Avasam.AutoSplitters/tree/main/Pitfall%20The%20Lost%20Expedition

Meta / Contributing

pre-commit.ci status PTLE Discord

Formatting, linting and type-checking

You can simply install pre-commit (pip install pre-commit) and run it (pre-commit run) to lint, type-check, and automatically format all files.

Autofixable issues will automatically be resolved when creating a pull-request.

Format on save

To automatically format on save using the Visual Studio Code editor, make sure to install all recommended extensions in .vscode/extensions.json. You should also install dprint and our python dev dependencies (pip install -r ".\Dolphin scripts\requirements-dev.txt")