Avivbens / alfred-engage-contact

Search across your contacts and engage with them ✨ (multi apps support)
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link
alfred call contact email facetime imessage macos search whatsapp
# Alfred Engage Contact
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Search contacts and engage with them via Alfred.

Fuzzy Search

We support fuzzy search :ninja:

You can search for a contact by typing a part of their name or phone number

Install via GitHub Releases :sparkles:

download_url=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$repo_name/releases/latest" | grep "browser_download_url.*alfredworkflow" | cut -d '"' -f 4)

curl -fsSLk $download_url -o ~/Desktop/alfred-engage-contact.alfredworkflow
open ~/Desktop/alfred-engage-contact.alfredworkflow


Search contacts via the keyword ec<RELATED_APP>. A list of all matched contacts will be displayed, and you can select a contact by pressing Enter.

Supported Apps

Once you select a contact, the workflow will open the related app with the selected contact.

Supported Phone Number Formats

The workflow can accept a default country code, which will be used if the contact does not have a country code.

All formats of phone numbers are supported, including: