AwesomeBFM / ColorfulChat

Minecraft Spigot plugin that allows players to set their chat color!
Apache License 2.0
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Colorful Chat

Chat color plugin for Spigot/Paper

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Get The Plugin

The plugin is available for free on Modrinth. There is a SpigotMC version, but it is no longer being updated.



Colorful Chat is designed to be as easy as possible to use. Any player with the permission chatcolor.change (default) can use the command /chatcolor to open the GUI and change their chat color. Players with the chatcolor.custom can use & codes in their messages and the server will colorize it. We recommend only giving chatcolor.custom to staff or trusted players as the codes can be used to generate annoying messages with lots of magic effects and bold text.



Tested Chat Formatters

As long as your chat formatter is not doing anything wacky it should prove no problem whatsoever. I tested it with VaultChatFormatter and it works just fine!.


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