Axarva / dotfiles-2.0

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Installation successful but icons and buttons don't work #170

Open 0xSnoxzy opened 1 year ago

0xSnoxzy commented 1 year ago

Hello, i followed the installation from SavvyNik's video and all went good, but after the installation when i went to press the buttons on the top (like the battery on the top right of the screen or the terminal icon on the top left) nothing worked, even when pressing the super-key+P to open the dashboard all the things didn't worked, like when pressing the power off button or the log out icon, even the search bar doesn't work. i'm a newbie with xmonad and linux ricing and arch in general so i would love some help. sorry for bad english, it isn't my primary language.

FlyingWolf11 commented 1 year ago

@0xSnoxzy The buttons on the top right don't do anything, except the ones that are references to sites like reddit. The battery symbol just shows the battery, you won't get something more specific. The buttons on the top left will switch your workspaces. The icons are just an example of how you could manage your different workspaces, e.g. browser on the workspace with a firefox icon. I haven't been able to have all the buttons in the dashboard working, but I was able to get the power buttons to work. You'll need to install the opendoas package and make a doas.conf file in /etc. Paste in there:

permit :wheel
permit nopass :wheel as root cmd /sbin/poweroff
permit nopass :wheel as root cmd /sbin/reboot

The go into ~/bin/ and change line 65 to doas /sbin/poweroff and line 75 to doas /sbin/reboot.

Now install the polkit package and create a .rules file with any name in /etc/polkit-1/rules-d/ and paste in there:

polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
            if (( == "org.freedesktop.login1.suspend-mul triple-sessions")
                 && subject.isInGroup("wheel")) {
                          return polkit.Result.YES;             

Now you should reboot your system and the buttons could potentially work. I'm also very new to this but this is what worked for me. I hope this works for you too.

Axarva commented 1 year ago

@FlyingWolf11 thanks for helping out!