Axarva / dotfiles-2.0

XMonadℒ️. Widgets go brr.
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✨ Widgets go brr! ✨

A Note: I'm back.

Table of Contents



Hello! Thank you for dropping by! πŸ‘‹

These are my xmonad configurations, and they go brr! πŸš€ (Let's stop that there).

If you're here, I suppose you want to be cloning this configuration, for which look at the Installation Section below. πŸ‘‡

Even if you're not, just look through the gallery:

Workflow πŸ–¨οΈ

Workflow GIF: (This is a short one, for more goodies look at the links below)

(Also, compression made it look kinda bad, but I think it shows what it needs to)

Workflow Video by SavvyNik aka @SavvyNik

Workflow Video by Guilherme Moreno aka @morenoled

Keybinds ✍️

These are the basic keybinds. Read through the xmonad/xmonad.hs file for more keybinds like increasing gaps and restoring gaps.

Keybind Function
Win + Shift + Enter Launch terminal (alacritty)
Win + Shift + C Close window
Win + O Open rofi menu
Win + Shift + Q Open rofi powermenu
Win + S Open sidebar
Win + Shift + S Close sidebar
Win + P Open dashboard
Win + Shift + P Close dashboard
Win + B Toggle the main bars
Win + Z Activate inhibitor (Stops autolocking)
Win + Shift + Z Dectivate inhibitor (Enables autolocking)
Win + Ctrl + G Toggle gaps (toggle to get screen space)
Win + J Navigate through windows
Win + K Navigate through windows
Win + Space Switch through layouts
Win + T Make a floating window tiled

Note: Toggling means to enable if inactive or to disable if active.

Note: Win refers to the Super key.

Installation πŸ€΅β€

Alright, let's get to the main stuff.

If you feel like you don't want to read so much, here's a video, courtesy of @SavvyNik!

Nik's Installation Video for Arch Linux

Note: Whatever method you follow, if you want the weather and quote features to work as well, you need to modify your crontab as follows:
(To edit your crontab, crontab -e as a normal user.)

0,30 * * * * /home/{Your-username}/.config/eww/scripts/getweather
@reboot /home/{Your-username}/.config/eww/scripts/getquotes

And please follow these next few steps as well:

For Arch Linux and it's derivatives (make sure you have git installed): πŸŒ‡


$ git clone
$ cd ./dotfiles-2.0
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ #This is here for tint2 to work.

That'll do the basic stuff. For a complete copy, look at the list of dependencies below.

AND DON'T FORGET TO READ WHAT'S WRITTEN AT THE END OF THE MAIN INSTALLATION SECTION UP THERE. Further steps are specified there. (Yes. Absolutely needs to be shouty capitals.)

For Gentoo Linux users (And basically any other distro): πŸš‚

I'm sorry I couldn't do it. You'll have to manually install dependencies.

Piece of good advice: If you use systemd, go ahead and ignore this, and skip to Going ahead: Others Edition.

In case you use something else, I recommend opening this repository in a text editor after you clone it, and global-replace the stuff that suits your system. After that, go ahead with Going ahead: Others Edition.

Going Ahead: Others Edition

You need to install the dependencies yourself, this script will add the fonts and the configs (and back up existing ones too):

$ git clone
$ cd ./dotfiles-2.0
$ chmod +x ./
$ ./

AND DON'T FORGET TO READ WHAT'S WRITTEN AT THE END OF THE MAIN INSTALLATION SECTION UP THERE. Further steps are specified there. (Yes. Absolutely needs to be shouty capitals.)

Dependencies πŸ“Š

Here you go. Make sure you have em all.

Troubleshooting πŸ”«

And here we are:

  1. If xmonad doesn't build make sure you have the xmonad-contrib package.
  2. Bar looks weird: Try editing it a bit using ~/bin/tint2conf.
  3. Alacritty configs are faulty: I'm not sure about this one, works perfectly fine for me.
  4. Widgets positioning weird: I hardcoded them for a 1366x768 screen, will create others if I can
  5. Fonts: GET THOSE FONTS!
  6. MAKE SURE YOUR ~/bin DIRECTORY IS IN YOUR PATH, OR NOTHING WILL WORK! (Yes. Absolutely needs to be shouty capitals.)
  7. For instructions regarding use on VirtualMachine, please do check the VM folder of this repository.
  8. Bars not showing on Arch Linux: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
  9. The workspace indicator bar issue has been solved through the binaries in my fork.
  10. Anything else? Open up an issue.

🌟 Good Luck and Cheers! 🌟