AxelJacobsen / Bachelor-thesis-2023_Cryogenetics

Bachelor project directory for the Cryogenetics task
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Bachelor thesis directory for the Cryogenetics task.


Axel Jacobsen
Håvard Bø
Lars Ruud
Matthias Greeven

Directory Navigation


All code in the directory is located in the /Code/ folder.
/Backend/ contains the backend golang server.
/Frontend/Mobile application/ contains the android studio project code.
/Frontend/admin-website/ contains the react website code with running instructions.


The documentation folder contains all the related documents for the project. This includes:

Directory Usage

Database Instructions

To run the project locally, you first need to install the SQL database into PhP MyAdmin.
The database file is located in: Product/Database/cryogenetics_database.sql Once the database is loaded use XAMPP to run Apache and MySQL. With this the backend can now access the database.

Backend Instructions

Next, Launch the backend server by navigating to Code/Backend
From here you run the backend with the command: go run \cmd\server.go.
You know it works when you get a "Listening on port XXXX" in the console.

Web Instructions

See /Code/Frontend/admin-website/ for running instructions.

Mobile Instructions

To run this project in a development enviorment please:

  1. go to Android Studio's website and download the latest version.
  2. open the Logistics folder in Android Studio.
  3. Create a virutal device, must have a defined camera and api 29 or higher for all features to work reliabily.
  4. Build gradle
  5. Install the application on the virtual device.