Axos-AI / Axos

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The new Axos AI python monorepo.


The monorepo is divided into two high level directories:

If you notice code snippets being repeated across multiple projects, consider packaging it as a library.


Getting Started

Example for running the FastAPI app via projects:

First, install all dependencies for the project.

cd projects/infra
pip install -e .

Create a .env file and dump all env variables into the file. Now that all your env variables are set, you want to export them.

Currently, .env file loading is broken due to the import structure, which needs to be debugged. As a stopgap, place your .env file at the root directory and then run


from the root directory before trying to run anything.

Finally, run the commands to start the web app from infra/axos:

uvicorn parallax_v2:app
celery -A parallax_worker.celery worker --loglevel=info --pool=threads

Notes on Monorepo Structure

This repository's design is explained on the Tweag blog:

The design strives to be simple, to work well in a startup environment where CI specialists are not yet available, and yet to achieve a great deal of reproducibility to prepare for scaling.

We use a virtual environment per library/project, to allow dependencies to diverge if you need to. Another alternative is to have a single virtual environment for the entire repository, to maximize uniformity. Choose what suits you best.

We use editable installs for dependencies within this repository, so that changes to a library are reflected immediately in code depending on the said library. This implements the live at HEAD workflow, a term made popular by Titus Winters from Google.