AyGemuy / Taylor-V2

GNU General Public License v3.0
72 stars 75 forks source link





KELEBIHAN ๐Ÿ“ | Kelebihan | Check | |--------|--------| | **Fast Respon** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **No Internet** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Simple** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Multi Device** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) |
FITUR ๐Ÿ“ | Fitur | Check | |--------|--------| | **Downloader** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Internet** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Game Rpg** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Nsfw** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Sticker** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Game** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Kerang Ajaib** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Quotes** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Anime** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Premium** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Tools** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **Exec** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) | | **React** |[โœ”๏ธ](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) |
SETTING - Owner Number [![Here](https://img.shields.io/badge/Link-Here-blue)](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2/blob/2b7ce09d6dc73134d34d0ccf970d0efc95901c97/config.js#L13C17-L13C17) - Owner Name [![Here](https://img.shields.io/badge/Link-Here-blue)](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2/blob/2b7ce09d6dc73134d34d0ccf970d0efc95901c97/config.js#L60) - Bot Name [![Here](https://img.shields.io/badge/Link-Here-blue)](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2/blob/2b7ce09d6dc73134d34d0ccf970d0efc95901c97/config.js#L59)
DEPLOY ### Heroku Buildpack [![Deploy](https://www.herokucdn.com/deploy/button.svg)](https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/kannachann/KannaBOT-MD) | BuildPack | LINK | |-----------|------| | **FFMPEG** | [![here](https://img.shields.io/badge/Link-here-blue)](https://github.com/jonathanong/heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg-latest) | | **IMAGEMAGICK** | [![here](https://img.shields.io/badge/Link-here-blue)](https://github.com/DuckyTeam/heroku-buildpack-imagemagick) | ### Deploy on Replit [![Run on Repl.it](https://repl.it/badge/github/quiec/wa-bot)](https://replit.com/@AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) ### Deploy on Railway [![Deploy on Railway](https://railway.app/button.svg)](https://railway.app/new/template/0DTscs?referralCode=AyGemuy) ### Deploy on Okteto [![Deploy on Okteto](https://okteto.com/develop-okteto.svg)](https://cloud.okteto.com)
1. FORCE CMD INSTALL ```bash $ npm install --legacy-peer-deps ```
2. TERMUX USER ```bash $ pkg upgrade && pkg update $ pkg install git -y $ pkg install nodejs -y $ pkg install ffmpeg -y $ pkg install imagemagick -y $ git clone https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2/ $ cd Taylor-master $ npm i ``` If error try using yarn instead of npm, see [here](https://github.com/kannachann/KannaBOT-MD#if-npm-install-failed--try--using-yarn-instead-of-npm) ```bash $ node . ```
3. OPTIONS ```bash $ node . --qr $ node . --mobile $ node . --pairing-code $ node . --singleauth ```
4. CONTOH ```bash $ node . --pairing-code --db [mongodb link] ```
5. TERMUX WITH UBUNTU ```bash apt update && apt full-upgrade apt install wget curl git proot-distro proot-distro install ubuntu echo "proot-distro login ubuntu" > $PREFIX/bin/ubuntu ubuntu ```
6. INSTALLING REQUIRED PACKAGES ```bash ubuntu apt update && apt full-upgrade apt install wget curl git ffmpeg imagemagick build-essential libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev librsvg2-dev dbus-x11 ffmpeg2theora ffmpegfs ffmpegthumbnailer ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg ffmpegthumbs libavcodec-dev libavcodec-extra libavcodec-extra58 libavdevice-dev libavdevice58 libavfilter-dev libavfilter-extra libavfilter-extra7 libavformat-dev libavformat58 libavifile-0.7-bin libavifile-0.7-common libavifile-0.7c2 libavresample-dev libavresample4 libavutil-dev libavutil56 libpostproc-dev libpostproc55 graphicsmagick graphicsmagick-dbg graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat groff imagemagick-6.q16hdri imagemagick-common libchart-gnuplot-perl libgraphics-magick-perl libgraphicsmagick++-q16-12 libgraphicsmagick++1-dev ```
7. INSTALLING NODEJS & Taylor ```bash ubuntu curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_current.x | sudo -E bash - apt install -y nodejs gcc g++ make git clone https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2/ cd Taylor-master npm install npm update ```
8. FOR WINDOWS/VPS/RDP USER ๐Ÿ’ป * Download And Install Git [`Click Here`](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * Download And Install NodeJS [`Click Here`](https://nodejs.org/en/download) * Download And Install FFmpeg [`Click Here`](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) (**Don't Forget Add FFmpeg to PATH enviroment variables**) * Download And Install ImageMagick [`Click Here`](https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php) ```bash git clone https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2/ cd Taylor-master npm install npm update ```
9. Run ๐Ÿ“› ```bash node . ```
10. Arguments node . [--options] [<session name>] * `--self` * Activate self mode (Ignores other) * `--pconly` * If that chat not from private bot, bot will ignore * `--gconly` * If that chat not from group, bot will ignore * `--swonly` * If that chat not from status, bot will ignore * `--prefix <prefixes>` * `prefixes` are seperated by each character * Set prefix * `--server` * Used for [heroku](https://heroku.com/) or scan through website * `--restrict` * Enables restricted plugins (which can lead your number to be **banned** if used too often) * Group Administration `add, kick` * `--img` * Enable image inspector through terminal * `--autoread` * If enabled, all incoming messages will be marked as read * `--nyimak` * No bot, just print received messages and add users to database * `--test` * **Development** Testing Mode
11. How To Customise Message Display ```js // Syntax conn.sendButton( jid, // jid of the user to send the message to text, // text to send footer, // footer to send buffer, // buffer to send (optional), if you want to send button image, location, etc buttons, // buttons to send, example [['text1', 'id1'], ['text2', 'id2']] quoted, // quoted message to send (optional) options // options to send, example { asLocation: true } ) // example conn.sendButton(m.chat, 'Hello world!', '@BochilGaming', null, [ ['Hello', 'hello'], ['Bye', 'bye'] ]) // example button location conn.sendButton(m.chat, 'Hello world!', '@BochilGaming', 'https://github.com/BochilGaming', [['Hello', 'hello'], ['Bye', 'bye']], null, { asLocation: true } ) ```
12. ๐Ÿ“ฎ S&K 1. Jangan diperjual belikan Script ini 2. Sebelum pakai jangan lupa kasih star 3. Follow Github ! 4. Jangan salah gunakan script ini! 5. Jangan lupa Subscribe Youtube 6. Jika ada eror di sc hub Wudysoft
13. Thanks to โœจ * [`Allah SWT`](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) * [`My parents`](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) * [`All Friends`](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) * [`All Contributors`](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2) * [`All Creator Bot`](https://github.com/AyGemuy/Taylor-V2)

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